13 years ago
suddenly feels...small and insignificant...What does it feel like to fly over planet Earth?What does it feel like to fly over planet Earth?
latest #212
13 years ago
We are all small and insignificant, but on the other hand we are all together in our little corner of the universe, isn't that better than
13 years ago
being big and important?
13 years ago
You do have a point there...the whole can't exist without all of the little parts to make it up.
13 years ago
It was TOTALLY awesome. Space is kewl, specially when we landed on the moon, hell yeah!
13 years ago
Galaxy SongGalaxy Song No, THIS is something to make you feel small and insignificant!
13 years ago
doesn't even know what to say now...
13 years ago
finds it amusing that you used British humour to prove a point...and feels even smaller than before.
13 years ago
Only doin' my best over here.
13 years ago
Don't do that Gil, I just made him feel better about himself, and now he's depressed again! (dramatic sigh)
13 years ago
offers you his faux-congratulations. Don't you have an equally faux-nation to be watching over? D8
13 years ago
Totally gone already. Because fuck you.
13 years ago
Doesn't...see how the latter statement is even remotely relevant...not even as insult. What?
13 years ago
He's dramatic. you'll have to get used to it.
13 years ago
supposes that he will...considering that Prussia is dating his former charge. Why was he not informed of this until recently??
13 years ago
Don't ask me, I wouldn't know. But he'll get easier to deal with...probably
13 years ago
doesn't find that 'probably' too reassuring...but he'll try to put up with it.
13 years ago
giggles...do your best!
13 years ago
pats you on the back. So like, if I date someone, I have to tell you too? 8|D
13 years ago
edges away from the touch, refusing to make eye contact with you. "I would...appreciate if you did, yes..."
13 years ago
blinks. "What'sa matter? o.o"
13 years ago
shakes his head, suddenly feeling...uncomfortable and out of place, as though he doesn't really belong. "Nothing. Absolutely nothing."
13 years ago
pokes your shoulder. "What, what?"
13 years ago
frowns, pushing your hand away. "I told you...it's nothing."
13 years ago
"Heh?" Starts poking your head. "What, what?"
13 years ago
winces, the insistent motion making his headache even worse. "What makes you assume it's something...?"
13 years ago
"Simple. 'Coz you're acting all weird.~ So does that mean you don't want me to tell you then? c: "
13 years ago
"I'm not acting weird...a-and what do you mean? What could you possibly have to tell me...?"
13 years ago
"Yes, you are. D< Don't deny it or I will push you off a cliff. And I thought we were just talking about telling you if I was dating
13 years ago
someone. Gee... Artie, you're real spacey today.~" Knocks on your head.
13 years ago
pushes your hand away, his head practically throbbing at this point. Oh, Tylenol, have mercy on him, please..."Alright, so what if I am?
13 years ago
What difference does it make to anyone but myself..?"
13 years ago
can't believe it takes the threat of a cliff for you to talk. "Uh, you're probably right, but you're gonna endanger the people around you
13 years ago
if you're being a space case, ya' know?"
13 years ago
"I suppose so." He's not really in the mood to argue or disagree right now-isn't there a dark, empty hole somewhere that he can hide
13 years ago
Alfred is
13 years ago
... not very happy with this new England. Dx
13 years ago
apoligizes for that-he knows he's only causing trouble for everyone.
Alfred is
13 years ago
going to kick you.
13 years ago
encouarages you to do so.
13 years ago
shakes you so hard instead that your brain will probably turn into shake. =3=
13 years ago
,as a result, now feels rather dizzy. Bugger, someone make the light shut up...
Alfred is
13 years ago
now contemplating smacking you.
13 years ago
once agains gives you his permission.
Alfred is
13 years ago
not sure if you'd appreciate a few broken teeth.
13 years ago
doesn't really know what he'd appreciate right now..why not try everything?
13 years ago
What, then, would you appreciate right now?
13 years ago
just said that he didn't know, didn't he...?
13 years ago
whacks you on the head. There, figure it out yet?
13 years ago
winces, holding a hand to the spot where you hit him. No, and that most likely won't help.
13 years ago
Want me to do it again?~
13 years ago
No. Though you'd probably like to, wouldn't you?
13 years ago
shrugs. Probably, if it'll help you and me figure out what's wrong.
England is
13 years ago
unable to see how it would help...hitting him isn't going to make it easier for him to be honest.
13 years ago
Then wants to know what he can do because this England is driving him crazy.
13 years ago
would be willing to try and understand, and therefore explain, but...wonders what you mean by 'this' England...?
13 years ago
Oh, really? Then explain away!~ And this boring, non-argumentative England.
13 years ago
Boring...? As opposed to what? Isn't he usually...? Again, the defender of peace is craving conflict...? He frowns, unsure where to
13 years ago
begin-as per usual. Isn't it enough to just sum it up and say that he's weak, that he's always been weak, and lately things have been too
13 years ago
much for him?
13 years ago
as opposed to the lively dude I can count on to argue with. Don't make life more boring than it is. v.v And he's still waiting for that
13 years ago
13 years ago
doesn't consider himself lively...and he's never thought of himself as such. Where is all of this coming from? ...he also thinks that you
13 years ago
should work for your explanation for once-through means other than violence.
Alfred thinks
13 years ago
you are lively, especially when rejecting his damn ideas in meetings. And he is working for it. He hasn't exactly shot you
13 years ago
for one, has he? He's being extremely controlled right now.
13 years ago
points out that he has to be lively when opposing you-otherwise you'll ignore him, just like you do your brother. ..he fails to see how
13 years ago
you consider this controlled, though...it's a tad bit more so than usual. Nonetheless, he's not a vending machine-contrary to popular
13 years ago
belief. You can't just demand something from him, obtain it, and then walk off.
13 years ago
doesn't care what you are as long as you can argue back.~ BEcause
13 years ago
Germany just yells at him, and he doesn't like that. v.v And who said he was gonna walk off, anyway? Why do you think he's so adamant on an
13 years ago
13 years ago
just thinks you're doing it because you can't stand to have a question without an answer-it's only for the sake of satisfying your
13 years ago
curiousity, right? Why else would it be? ...and now he's slightly more confused-he yells at you,too, doesn't he..?
13 years ago
Yes, you do, but with you it's more fun. Germany's just way too strict, in his oh-so-humble opinion! And dude, really, thanks for
13 years ago
the confidence you have in him. You make him feel so loved.
13 years ago
doesn't...really comprehend that, but he nods anyone, hoping that he can fake it. There's really no difference, is there...? He almost
13 years ago
blurts out an immediate apology, but it most likely wouldn't seem genuine. It's not that he's lost confidence in you in particular...he
13 years ago
just can't seem to trust anyone lately.
Alfred thinks
13 years ago
there is definitely a difference! And why don't you trust anyone? Not even him? Oh, those years must have certainly meant a lot to you
13 years ago
if it's going to be like that. Maybe he shouldn't stand here and be insulted anymore.
13 years ago
doesn't think he has a reason to trust anyone...he won't get hurt that way, right...? Blast it, Alfred, why do you have to take everything
13 years ago
so personally? If you really want to hear it straight from him, (which you already have, damn you, and it didn't mean a thing to you,
13 years ago
did it?) then at the very least, he appreciates everything you've done for him.
13 years ago
pouts a little and takes a deep breath, and rolling his eyes. Of course he takes everything personally, but he just doesn't let some of it
13 years ago
bother him. He gives you a small hug and sighs and tells you to shut up and tell him what's bugging you already.
13 years ago
pouts, knowing that he's just dodging the question and rambling. He hesitates for a moment before hugging back, hoping that you won't
13 years ago
notice how much he's shaking. And there are alot of things bothering him...where is he supposed to start?
13 years ago
runs his fingers through the other's hair and does in fact, notice the shaking, and that causes him to hug the other more tightly.
13 years ago
Can you tell me now?
13 years ago
relaxes considerably at the comforting gesture, taking a few deep breaths to try and keep some sort of composure. He wonders, briefly, why
13 years ago
it is that you're always so warm...believe me, I want to...t-there's just so much...b-but, if you'll let me, I think I...can...
13 years ago
smiles a little and will continue to hold you until you feel much better! And yeah, of course he'll let you; that's why he's been there,
13 years ago
waiting for an answer, isn't it?
13 years ago
...realizes that he had asked a stupid question, favouring burying his face in your shoulder over facepalming. That would probably just
13 years ago
scatter his thoughts further,anyway...well, for one...I already know that I...shouldn't be allowing these things to bother me, but they do
13 years ago
13 years ago
pauses in combing your hair, before threading through it again and sighing. Come on, just tell me already...
13 years ago
...it hurts, he murmurs finally, even though he's, somewhat, at least, told you this already. T-That is...lately, I find myself making any
13 years ago
and every excuse to get out of the house because...whenever I'm alone, I get this sick feeling all over and...there are all of these doubts
13 years ago
and insecurities and...blast it all, he sounds like a woman...
13 years ago
What hurts, though? Your body? Because you know you can just some good sleep and that'll be better... And there's nothing
13 years ago
wrong with wanting to get out of the house.~ You could just call me and I'll come over, ya' know? And stop with all these insecurities...
13 years ago
what exactly are you insecure about anyway?
England thinks
13 years ago
that his body just hurts because...because...well, because he's a nation. They're supposed to have pain to deal with, because that's
13 years ago
something the world is never without, isn't it? And sleep...sleep just never comes to him. He'll lie awake for hours, just staring at the
13 years ago
ceiling...and as much as the offer tempts him, makes his heart beat a little faster...well, I don't want to bother you...there wouldn't
13 years ago
be any sense in me asking you to cross the Atlantic just because I'm feeling lonely...and...what about everything? He's got alot to be
13 years ago
insecure about..
13 years ago
agrees with that pain part, considering what just happened a week ago... Ah, you should get some pills for that, then! There are some for
13 years ago
insomnia, so those should help.~ And anyways, if you feel bad about that, then you cross the Atlantic! Easy solution, huh?~
13 years ago
And he still doesn't know what exactly you're insecure about. v.v
13 years ago
isn't sure if pills are a good cure for anything...from what he's seen, they just cause horrible side-effects. ...nonetheless, he might
13 years ago
give it a try, considering you suggested it...he wonders if that's really alright, though...? Wouldn't it be a nuisance to you if he were to
13 years ago
show up on your doorstep like that...?
Alfred thinks
13 years ago
they are! Just find ones without side effects then. c: And nah, not really. He's always looking for someone to hang out with, after all! The
13 years ago
bigger problem is if he's home, as he's usually out and about and probably playing some sports or messing with someone.~
13 years ago
wasn't aware that there was such a thing...when did this occur? Ah, alright...he'll keep that in mind, then..though, as he's usually not
13 years ago
the offensive, make-the-first-move type, he most likely won't end up taking advantage of the offer.
Alfred thinks
13 years ago
it just happened one day due to his awesome medical advances!~ And really? He wouldn't have figured you for that, since you're always the
13 years ago
one in his face and screaming and letting your opinion be known... >o> He thinks you should be more assertive, dammit.
13 years ago
doubts that, but...sure, whatever you say. And he's short-tempered, not assertive-there's a difference, unfortunately. He doesn't have the
13 years ago
...courage, per se, to be assertive. It might make things easier if he was, though.
13 years ago
... wonders about that. Seriously, be assertive; you weren't that way in the war. =3= Honestly, you have no courage to do that, but you
13 years ago
have the courage to shoot someone? What the heck.
13 years ago
points out that war is a different case-you close your mind to the events while they're occuring...and then they haunt you later. He'll
13 years ago
never forget the screams...and for him, dealing with emotions is much harder than pulling a trigger...
13 years ago
... will actually agree on you with that one... Seriously, it's not hard to ring a door bell, is it?
13 years ago
thought that you might...it's part of being a nation, unfortunately. ...but what does ringing a door bell have to do with this..?
13 years ago
just doesn't get why it's hard for you to come visit him and impose yourself when you'll probably have fun in the end. He thinks you gotta
13 years ago
stop thinking about the consequences first. That's what he does!
13 years ago
usually thinks of himself as an anchor, a bother to others...in his opinion, he's bothering you with his prescence alone. ...just act
13 years ago
without thinking about the consequences? ...perhaps he'll have to try that...
Alfred thinks
13 years ago
you should stop with that already, because you're not bothering him that much. >_>
13 years ago
doesn't get where you got that idea.
13 years ago
decides he can accept that, then...if the need arises, it might be alright for him to...rely on you...and the idea most likely came while
13 years ago
he was either drunk or depressed...he hardly knows anymore.
Alfred thinks
13 years ago
you better feel better, or else he will smack you again, for sure. And stop being drunk, you old man. >/
13 years ago
does not want to be hit again...you don't know your own strength, do you? He's not old, and...drinking can be healthy, to a degree.
13 years ago
doesn't know what you're talking about; he just knows he is strong, dur.~ And he moves you a little away from the hug and looks down at
13 years ago
you, wondering if you feel better now.~
England gives
13 years ago
you a small smile, feeling as though he's gotten some of the weight off his chest. It's certainly better than just trying to deal with it
13 years ago
alone...so, ah...I was hoping you'd be willing to help set up the Olympics this year...?
13 years ago
rolls his eyes and grins. No way dude, that's all yours! I already had my time of that.~ ... Or, actually, I will help! I'll place my
13 years ago
flag everywhere
13 years ago
13 years ago
remembers the Atlanta Olympics well-they weren't terribly planned, but it's not going to be difficult to do better. ...he doubts that
13 years ago
he'll be able to outdo the Vancouver Olympics, though...and don't you always place your flag everywhere, anyway?
Alfred thinks
13 years ago
you should stop overworking yourself, and stop trying to win because he always will, anyway!~ And because I'm
13 years ago
patriotic, that's why. 8D
13 years ago
knows he shouldn't be overworking himself, but...if there's anything he has pride it, it's sports and cooking-there's no way he's going to
13 years ago
just lie down and let you take all of the victories in the Olympics. Not this year, nor any.
Alfred thinks
13 years ago
you should rethink that... cooking part. And it's too late for that, since he totally won the most medals last year.~
13 years ago
...w-well...medals don't matter!! The Olympics are about countries coming together and having fun playing sports!!...bugger, that was spoken
13 years ago
like a true loser...
13 years ago
... yes, yes it was. And you just said you wouldn't let him take all the victories, either. That was sad, Artie, sad.
13 years ago
still doesn't plan to let you take all of the victories-he just needs to shrug off these insecurities first. ...easier said than done, of
13 years ago
13 years ago
laughs and brushes his hand over your hair, messing it up. Whatever you say, dude.~ And don't worry, I'll help ya' fight them off! >O
13 years ago
pouts, attempting uselessly to fix his hair back into place. A-And he appreciates that, but...you honestly don't have to trouble yourself..
Alfred thinks
13 years ago
your pout is something more people need to see because it makes you seem less "mature" than you really are.~ And it's no trouble!
13 years ago
He's a hero, after all, and that's his job!
13 years ago
quickly fixes his expression, pointing out that gentlemen shouldn't pout. He has to act mature, for the sake of his...um...his duty. Yes
13 years ago
,of course. Your duty...? Well...if you insist...
13 years ago
snickers. S'ok then, Artie, you can just do it around me.~ 'Sides, it looks really embarrassing when you do it, haha! And yeah, I insist!
13 years ago
Like I said, just call me whenever and the hero will come!~
13 years ago
isn't sure what to think of the fact that you want him to embarass himself around you...he nods, though he wonders if he can really bring
13 years ago
himself to rely on you. He appreciates the offer, though...
13 years ago
didn't mean it like that. He's just sayin', if you're so self-conscious, then make small steps and start with just him! Though he can't
13 years ago
take that advice himself since small steps have never been his forte... and wow, again with the trust, Artie. =3=
13 years ago
,once again, points out that he can't rely on you because he is weak-not because he doesn't trust you. B-Besides, what would you say if he
13 years ago
told you that he always wanted to be around you...? ...small steps? That makes more sense...he supposes he can give it a try.
Alfred thinks
13 years ago
there'd be nothing wrong with that, since you guys need to hang out a bit more when you're not always so busy working, or
13 years ago
busy arguing with France.~ And if you're weak, then all the more reason to rely on him, right?
13 years ago
isn't as busy as he'd like to be...obviously, there isn't enough to distract him from being insecure. B-But, if you wouldn't mind...then
13 years ago
yes, he'd like to spend more time with you...and he'll...try to rely on you when he needs to...
13 years ago
rolls his eyes. You'll try?
13 years ago
...will, then. Better?
13 years ago
nods, satisfied. Now wonders why you were talking about space in the first place!~
England is
13 years ago
slightly relieved by that...ah, space? ...was he talking about space...?
13 years ago
... yes, you were. You really are old, aren't you?
13 years ago
doesn't really remember...what was he saying, exactly? ...and yes, he is...unfortunately.
Alfred thinks
13 years ago
you were saying something about feeling insignificant compared to space!~ And you are, so good luck keeping up with him, haha!
13 years ago
Oh, right...yes, he was, wasn't he? Well, he is insignificant in comparison...but in that sense, aren't you, as well?
13 years ago
doesn't think so, because he's been to space personally, and thus, has already conquered it. 8-)
13 years ago
(wow awesome smiley)
13 years ago
(Ohhhh... Owo /touches)
13 years ago
wasn't aware that you had actually been to space personally...but nonetheless, you haven't conquered it.
13 years ago
totally went right after Armstrong and Baldwin did! Just 'coz his boss was nice. And yes he did! Dammit!
13 years ago
finds that...impressive. ...do you have a colony on the moon, then?
Alfred has
13 years ago
... a flag on it!
13 years ago
But he's working on the colony part!~ c:
13 years ago
...a flag? He thinks back to poor India...and most of his other colonies. By British definition, you've...conquered the moon. Bugger.
13 years ago
YESSS! He is now really happy and you have made his day. America the Conquerer! Bow down, haha!~
13 years ago
refuses to bow down...and sets up fortresses by his borders.
Alfred is
13 years ago
sad you want to keep him away. v.v
13 years ago
doesn't want to keep you away, per se...it's capitalism he's trying to avoid. ...a-and why would that make you sad?
Alfred is
13 years ago
outraged. What is wrong with capitalism! And no one likes being ignored, dude. >/
13 years ago
There's...alot wrong with capitalism. The entire point of it is...more. That's not exactly the best way to go about things, is it? If
13 years ago
it bothers you so much, then...he'll do his best not to ignore you anymore.
13 years ago
What's wrong with it?! It's mine, so it has to be good, right?~ And it doesn't bother him too much, really.~ Just when you do it in
13 years ago
front of his face. ^.^
13 years ago
supposes that...a reasonable amount of your ideas are good. ...except for the ones that involve giant robots and superheroes. And...he
13 years ago
can't ignore you unless he's around you, right...?
13 years ago
nods. See, you're smart after all, Artie!~ And what's wrong with robots and superheroes, dude? =3
13 years ago
13 years ago
points out that he was always smart, it just...took you forever to notice. ...and there's nothing wrong with robots and superheroes in
13 years ago
movies and small doses, but they aren't real-you can't use them to solve world issues.
Alfred will
13 years ago
never admit again you're smart, you know. It was probably just a one minute kind of thing, and tomorrow, you'll go back to being plain old
13 years ago
England! And you so can. I'll prove it to you one day! And I'm a hero too, and my work is quite successful, ya' know!
England is
13 years ago
rather suprised that you admitted it at all...he'll remember the moment, though, and...try not to tease you about it too much. ...why,
13 years ago
are you implying that I'm usually dumb? ...is that so? You can really use robots to solve world issues? ...I'll believe that when I see
13 years ago
the blueprints for it.
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