grlofthecity feels
16 years ago
very sad. RIP Tobey (the turtle). :'-(
latest #13
LoRi_25 says
16 years ago
awww im sorry.. im sure he's in a better place now. we'll get a new turtle!
sweetbutterfly says
16 years ago
awe, i totally understand, i have a turtle too
LoRi_25 says
16 years ago
i dont remember what happend to my turtle before, but my rabbit died.. :-(
CubmasterJoe says
16 years ago
awwww sorry to hear about Tobey
16 years ago
16 years ago
Awww, thanks guys! I've decided no more turtles...all along I knew he could be sensitive, and I have no idea how he died...
16 years ago
...he had eaten and was walking around on Friday, and then last night...just gone.
16 years ago
I had him for two years, too, and he had never been sick. Was a pretty good eater in warm weather, too.
16 years ago
I got him when I first moved far from home in college, so he was my little buddy. :-) Not very interactive, but something to take care of.
Godtess says
16 years ago
I had a turtle that I took to college too! I drilled a small hole thru the edge of his shell...
Godtess says
16 years ago
(not into body) and would let him roam in the inner court of the dorm all day. It was closed thru day so I'd lower out my window.
Godtess says
16 years ago
then when they upened the court at night, I'd reel him back in. Had him 3 years.
Godtess says
16 years ago
then released him near where I'd found him.
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