England has
13 years ago
an unfair amount of paperwork that was loaded onto him by his boss...and he's expected to have it done in a week. Assistance, anyone..?
latest #182
13 years ago
could spare some time to help out.
England is
13 years ago
very grateful for the offer and promises to make it up to him. He hands you a large stack of documents-could you just sort these by date?
13 years ago
internally whimpers. That's a very large stack. He smiles. "Sure. Um...newest on top?"
13 years ago
nods, getting back to signing (un)important documents. "Yes...but feel free to stop when you like." More than anything, it's nice to have
13 years ago
polite, friendly company-his life has been hell lately, and even paperwork has become to seem more appealing then going out in public.
13 years ago
takes a smaller section of the papers and starts sorting. He should be alright as long as they talk. Otherwise he might nod off... "So...how
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have you been? Um, besides all the paperwork..."
13 years ago
takes another sip of his I-have-no-motivation-to-do-anything-and-haven't-slept-in-two-days coffee,(he hates the stuff, but tea's just not as
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strong and he most likely would've collapsed without it,) the words on the papers blending together-he doesn't bother to even read them as
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he signs them anymore. "I've been...decent..." He lies, having to try hard to even sound remotely convincing. "You?"
13 years ago
smiles. "Alright, I suppose. It's been quiet lately." Kind of lonely, but that's...pretty standard actually. Oh shoot, he thinks he mixed
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those last few up.
13 years ago
gets up to draw the curtains and let a bit of light into the room-perhaps it's the prescence of another person, but he feels the sudden urge
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to procrastinate..."Is that so...? You haven't had any visitors?"
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frowns. He'd seen America a fair amount, but he was his brother and didn't really count as a visitor. "Not...really." He should probably
13 years ago
call Prussia...
13 years ago
sits back down at his desk, looking slightly suprised. "Really now...? Not even from your...ah..." His voice lingers above the word
13 years ago
"boyfriend"-he never was fond of the term. "...from Gilbert?" Arthur finishes, hopefully with as little awkwardness as possible.
13 years ago
shakes his head, blushing a little. Awkwaaard. "Not for...a week or so." And now he feels silly, because really, that's not that long. Hm,
13 years ago
if they're going to be here for a while, they might want to order out.
13 years ago
"I see...how are you two getting along, then..?" Perhaps it's not his place to ask, but even if he doesn't always remember the boy he
13 years ago
still cares about Matthew and likes to hear from him from time to time.
13 years ago
smiles, even though this is still. so. awkward. "Good. Things are..." He tries to think of another word that won't embarrass himself
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further. "...good." Yep, you're so eloquent.
13 years ago
awkwardly returns the smile, getting back to his paperwork. Well, it's at least good to see that Matthew is happy..."Ahh, that's good. And,
13 years ago
um...how are your country's affairs...?"
13 years ago
breathes a sigh of relief. This should be easier to talk about. "I'm doing alright. Money's getting a little tight, but nothing terrible."
13 years ago
Okay, that small stack was finished. On to the next.
13 years ago
nods thoughtfully, reminding himself that, currently at least, Canada has one of the highest economies in the world, even more so than
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his brother or England. If things are becoming tight for him as well...just where is the world heading? "Well, that's good...believe me, I
13 years ago
know...I thought the United Nations was close to a solution last month, but...we ended up not getting anywhere..."
13 years ago
sighs. That seems to be happening a lot, though it's really no different from how it's always been. "I'm sure things will turn around. I
13 years ago
mean...they can't stay this way forever." That's supposed to be encouraging.
13 years ago
simply takes it as the truth-there are very few people older than him, and he sometimes wonders if he's seen it all. "That's true...things
13 years ago
are always changing, sometimes for better and sometimes for worse." The negative part of him wants to add usually for worse, but he
13 years ago
doesn't want to pour the metaphorical half-empty glass over Matthew's head.
Alfred will
13 years ago
help for a price. 8D
13 years ago
might consider accepting your offer if the price isn't ridiculous.
Alfred wonders
13 years ago
what you have to offer.~
England thinks
13 years ago
that he probably doesn't have anything you want...you hate his cooking and he's just as broke as you are.
Alfred is
13 years ago
not broke! And how do you know what I want? v.v
13 years ago
looks between the two of them. "Should we get dinner for three...?" And he thinks America should just help out to be nice. :T
13 years ago
points out that you're national credit score was recently dropped. ...and that of course he doesn't know what you want-you refuse to
13 years ago
bloody tell him!!
13 years ago
doesn't have to be nice! And why is the paperwork moving by it- Oh. "Yo, bro! Sure, sounds nice. I'll help if England treats."
13 years ago
Bastard. =3=
13 years ago
"It's not an act of kindness if you want something in return for it...it's a buisness arrangement." Arthur points out with a slight
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pout, crossing his arms over his chest. "And what exactly am I supposed to be 'treating' you to??"
13 years ago
raises an eyebrow. Really, America should buy since he has the most money of the three of them...
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waves his hand dismissively. "Whatever, same diff. Nothing in life is free and all that jazz, right?" And he thinks England should pay for
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dinner since he was the one too lazy to do all the paperwork himself.~
13 years ago
visibly twitches with anger, slumping down in his seat and trying to focus on his paperwork...which he still has quite a lot of. Damn. "Look
13 years ago
, it's not as though I actually asked for your help...I don't mind treating you and your brother to dinner in exchange for doing me a
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favour, but you don't have to be an arse about it..." Arthur frowns, the stress of the past few weeks finally coming nack at him full
13 years ago
13 years ago
"But it's my job to be an ass about it, haha!" He begins looking around at the paperwork, and sees only a blur of words, letters and well,
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paper. "Geeez, what did you do? Did you fail at something again? v.v"
13 years ago
"Your job...?" He shakes his head dissaprovingly, though he doesn't really doubt it. "I-I did not fail!! I was doing rather well..."By
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which he means that he might have, at the rate he was going, finished by 2013. Brilliant.
13 years ago
nods proudly. "Yes, you did! Otherwise you wouldn't be stuck here around paper.~ You fail so much, England. But... because I'm nice, here,
13 years ago
have a burger." Offers him one.
13 years ago
pokes America in the side. "You're not being very nice..."
13 years ago
frowns, displeased by the fact that he doesn't have a paperweight to chuck at America. "Nice? Oh, yes, how kind of you to show up and
13 years ago
harass me like this..." He mumbles sarcastically, shaking his head.
13 years ago
looks at Matt and shrugs, chewing on his own burger. "S'ok, England can take it." He looks to the other. "Can't ya'? And anyways, it's not
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harassment; I'm keeping you fun company.~"
13 years ago
keeps quiet. It's really not his decision whether England buys dinner or not. He thinks he might, because he'll see it as the 'gentlemanly'
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thing to do, and Canada feels bad about it. He almost suggest paying himself, but...free dinner...
13 years ago
lets out a soft sigh, pushing his paperwork aside for the moment and standing up. "Alright, alright...if you must be that insistent, it's
13 years ago
really not that difficult for me to take you out to a restaurant to eat.." He looks down at his clothes, wondering if he should change--
13 years ago
they're covered in dirt from earlier that day, when he was working in his rose garden.
13 years ago
internally cheers at his success. But not for long, before he lets out a victorious woop and grins. "I knew you'd cave, Artie! All work
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and no play makes you age faster, you know!~"
13 years ago
rolls his eyes, barely supressing a small smile. He obsessive-compulsively fixes and cleans a few things in his office before going over to
13 years ago
the door, grabbing an overcoat. "Well, I'm old enough as it is...shall we be off, then?"
Alfred hopes
13 years ago
you are old enough as it is; he's not sure if you'd still be able to move around if you were any older. "Yeah, okay! Are we taking your
13 years ago
car or what?~"
13 years ago
just follows. Perhaps they'll remember that he's joining them, but if not, he can just sneak into the backseat.
13 years ago
"Of course I'
13 years ago
(Durp. Noone saw that~...)
13 years ago
"Of course I'm driving-you drive on the wrong side of the road and you can't read any of the road signs, anyway...they're in kilometers,
13 years ago
not miles." Glancing back over his shoulder as an afterthought, (Wasn't there someone else who was supposed to be going with them...? Where
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had he run off to? ...and who was he, for that matter?) he goes outside and over to his car, trying to start up the old, not-so-efficient
13 years ago
but-eco-friendly car.
13 years ago
"No, you drive on the wrong side of the road," he counters with a huff, taking shotgun (or... driver's seat, really). "I mean, do you
13 years ago
really see a lot of people driving on the left side? I mean, what the heck, that's just weird! Even Matt drives on the right..." He blinks
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looking around. "Is he here...? o-o
13 years ago
slides into the backseat and waves. "I'm here. And neither side is right or wrong. They're just different."
13 years ago
"Most countries drive on the left side of the road. Just like most countries use the metric system." He points out, starting the car adn
13 years ago
13 years ago
backing out of the driveway-he nearly runs into a pole when Canada's voice floats from the backseat, glancing over his shoulder. "O-Oh,
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Matthew...you frightened me for a moment there...I'd forgotten you were coming.."
13 years ago
just sighs. "Sorry..." And he's pretty sure England's wrong about that right-left thing, but there's no sense arguing it.
13 years ago
"I-It's fine..." He slowly breathes in and out before pulling onto the road, driving on the proper side of it.
Alfred will
13 years ago
, unlike his brother, argue that point. "What are you talking about, dude?" He takes out his trusty Blackberry and inserts the question,
Alfred shares
13 years ago
before basically shoving the device in his face. "Now, look here. I'm not a pro at Math, but I'm pretty
Alfred shares
13 years ago
sure that's more than half! You just fail. So. Damn. Hard. Dude." He laughs, savouring his victory. "And who cares if I do? That just
13 years ago
means I totally stand out!" (ignore the "share" OTL)
13 years ago
slouches in the backseat and resigns himself to playing games on his phone. He grumbles to himself. "Metric sill makes more sense, Al."
13 years ago
Nope, not taking either side.
13 years ago
gapes at the phone screen somewhat dumbly before reminding himself that he's supposed to be driving, narrowly avoiding the death of an
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innocent pidgeon. "W-Well...that doesn't mean you're right..." He mumbles, pouting slightly.
13 years ago
snickers. "Dude... I'm so right and you know it. Look, you're totally the only one in the entire Europe who does. You. Fail. So. Hard."
13 years ago
He laughs again, before continuing to play around with his phone. "Nuh, metric sucks. Mine totally works better."
13 years ago
pulls up at the restaurant, rolling his eyes and getting out of the car. "I fail to see how the customary system is more convienient...
13 years ago
the metric system works in units of ten, not...twelve and lord knows what else."
Canada is
13 years ago
intently focused on his game, and doesn't realize they've arrived. He's so close to getting a high score!
13 years ago
waves his hand dismissively, pausing in mid-text to Japan. "It's more convenient. You just fail too hard to see it's awesome glory. And
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you're old so your opinion is null and void." He looks up and blinks, noticing they've arrived. He shuts the door (and forgets about his
13 years ago
brother) and walks toward the restaurant. "So yeah, you're paying right?~"
13 years ago
"Awesome glory? Dear lord, you really are an egocentric lad, aren't you..?" He sighs helplessly, walking into the restaurant. There it is
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again, that feeling as though he's left something (or someone?) behind..."Yes, yes...I already said that, didn't I? It would'nt exactly be
13 years ago
"treating" if I made you pay..."
13 years ago
continues playing his game for a few more minutes until he notices he's been left. Yeah, because it wasn't like it was his idea to get food
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in the first place. He sighs and heads into the restaurant to look for them. Hopefully they weren't seating at a table in the back.
England is
13 years ago
once again suprised by Canada's sudden appearance-he'd forgotten about the poor boy again, and it's not as though he can make up for s
13 years ago
something like that..."A-Ah...there you are, Matthew...we were waiting for you..." He half-lies-it would be uncouth to flat-out say 'we
13 years ago
forgot', after all...
13 years ago
"Oh, yo, bro! I forgot you were here!" He grins, when he sees his brother coming. "Ya' gotta speak up a bit, ya' know?" He pats him on the
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back, before turning to the concierge/waiter person, and requests a seat for three. As he leads them to their table, he can't help but
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whistle in awe. "Real fancy place ya' picked here, Artie.~"
13 years ago
sits down at the seat nearest to the window, ordering the strongest alchohol they have. He won't let himself get drunk, but...he's feeling
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more stressed than usual. He's not sure if it's the amount of work he has or America's prescence...it's a fifty-fifty chance, he
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supposes. "Well, yes...it's really the only decent restaurant around these parts...everything else is still, ah...recovering from the UK
13 years ago
13 years ago
stumbles a bit from the pat on his back. America really ought to be more aware of his strength... He sits and orders a drink for himself
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as well. If he's not going to be noticed, he might as well drink. The idea that this might make him easier to
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leave behind doesn't ever occur to him.
13 years ago
snorts at that, taking the seat opposite to England's, also close to the window (subconsciously). "Seriously, what's with you and your
13 years ago
riots? Can't keep your citizens under control?" And America is actually feeling rather hungry right now so if a certain restaurant wants to
13 years ago
avoid an accident, someone better come to take their order.~
13 years ago
rolls his eyes, pushing his menu to the side-one of the main things he likes about this restaurant is that it hasn't changed at all, other
13 years ago
than the staff, for the past two decades or so. "Yes, yes...because your citizens are so well-behaved.."
13 years ago
already feels tired from their arguing. He smiles, placating. "I think we all get riled up at different times. No one's more or less
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well-behaved." Maybe that will work? Hm, perhaps he could distract them with something...
13 years ago
glances over at Matthew-he's always seems to be the sensible one in the situation, eager to please or prevent an argument. "...I suppose
13 years ago
that's...a rather neutral opinion...a good one, nonetheless...hm..>"
13 years ago
sighs. "'Coz Mattie's all about neutral.~" Lifting his own menu, he surveys the list and basically just points out anything to do with
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steak, or anything priced at higher than $10.00 because really, he's not paying for it! And he'll get some dessert to boot, while he's at it
13 years ago
13 years ago
"Well, they're more behaved than yours are. =3="
13 years ago
briefly reminds himself that America is in a recession, and will probably take advantage of this chance to be a glutton. He can
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practically hear his wallet screaming in pain..."Oh? And what makes you say that?"
13 years ago
lays his menu down and glares at his brother. Knock it off! "...how about we get an appetizer to share?" Be distracted!
13 years ago
remains completely oblivious to the glare and gazes absentmindedly over his menu, looking a bit bored, even. "Least I'm not the one holding
13 years ago
riots almost every day. =3="
13 years ago
steps on America's foot.
13 years ago
frowns, his hand twitching as he looks around the restaurant, wondering where the waitress is with his whiskey. He's going to need it, at
13 years ago
this rate..."I beg to differ...ah, an appetizer? Yes, alright...why don't you pick one, Matthew?"
13 years ago
picks his menu back up and quickly looks over it. "Um, how about this one?" He points at a sampler, so there's a little bit of everything.
13 years ago
... just barely feels that but he does cast a look towards his brother. He blinks at the menu... "Appetizer? What the heck is that? Can I
13 years ago
just have my main steak and stuff? Dx"
13 years ago
...oh god, Alfred did not just spout that bout of ignorance...no, no, he's not going to start another argument. Ignore the temptation,
13 years ago
Arthur, you can do it..."An appetizer is something that comes before the food so that you have something to eat while you wait-and yes,
13 years ago
that one looks fine, Matthew."
Alfred thinks
13 years ago
that yes, he just did, and now he's gaping at the other with a confused expression. "Wait, what the heck is the point of that? That'll
13 years ago
just make me want more food, then I'll be hungrier! Argh!" Does not get. "But whatever, I'll have what Matt is... I guess..."
13 years ago
"Well...it's supposed to tide you over..." He lets out a hopeless sigh, shaking his head. Honestly, he'll never be completely sure as to
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what goes on in that thick American skull..."Alright then. Where did our waiter go...?" And bugger, he still doesn't have his whiskey..
13 years ago
kind of wants to buy America one of those word-a-day calendars. Not that he thinks he'll actually use it, but it could be worth a shot.
13 years ago
"Um, I think he's over by the bar. I can go get him." He gets up to do just that, even though it probably won't work.
England thinks
13 years ago
that would most likely just be a waste of money...he'd love it for a day and then shove it in his attic, never to be used again. "The bar..?
13 years ago
Ah, don't trouble yourself, Matthew. I can wait."
Alfred is
13 years ago
humming happily to himself before his stomach gently requests that he feed it before he go mad. "You can wait, but I can't." And with that,
13 years ago
he goes over to said waiter and all but demands that he come to take their order... which the guy proceeds to do, albeit just a little
13 years ago
13 years ago
could have done that just fine on his own. And probably without scaring the poor waiter to boot. He sits back down and fiddles with his
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silverware. Oh, at least his drink's here now.
13 years ago
knows he shouldn't be shocked at the other's...demanding behavior, though he's not sure if he feels sorry for the waiter or not. He was
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taking longer than necessary, but...ah, well. He's got his whiskey, so he's happy. "Er, right...so, we'll be getting an appetizer to share,
13 years ago
13 years ago
"... and some sizzling steak right after! I want the whole combo with eggs, too, if you don't mind... and uh, dessert, would appreciate it
13 years ago
right after I'm done, kay?~" He looks at the menu to choose that now... "I'll just have the cheesecake, in that case!"
13 years ago
now feels sorry for the waiter-the poor fellow didn't even have time to write the order down, and even if he had, Alfred's enthusiasm can
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be...intimidating and overwhelming. "E-Er...just...bring as much food as will fit onto the table." He tells the waiter, smiling weakly.
13 years ago
sighs. He'd wanted to order something in particular, and now he'll probably have to fend America off with a fork to get anything. And
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really, if England was more forceful with him, he probably wouldn't act so entitled.
Alfred is
13 years ago
now just content to take out his iPod and blast his music to full until the food gets here!~ Because he can already smell his steak coming.
13 years ago
He hopes the appetizer doesn't take too long though... because the fruits on the next table are even starting to look good.
13 years ago
personally thinks that, when it comes to food, it's impossible to hold America back. He wishes Canada the best of luck with that, though,
13 years ago
"Ah, so...are the two of you planning on doing anything else today...?"
13 years ago
(...and...that comma should have been a period. D8)
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