SeaChange says
13 years ago
he really likes to fuck men.
latest #39
SeaChange says
13 years ago
when he first came out, he joined many LGBTQ groups
SeaChange says
13 years ago
it was popular, then and maybe still now to claim that homosexuality is a sin.
SeaChange says
13 years ago
there were LBQTG activists who would deny that, because it was important to themselves in their own mind that they be pure and innocent,
SeaChange says
13 years ago
antihomosexuality and proslavery is most definitely in the bible
SeaChange says
13 years ago
he doesn't believe in slavery as something a good christian would do
SeaChange says
13 years ago
and his version of the Lutheran church that he was brought up in, which joined the ELCA acknoledged adultery as a sin
SeaChange says
13 years ago
but unlike the Roman Catholics decided that it was ok to be a christian (albeit a flawed one) if you divorced
SeaChange says
13 years ago
the Lutheran church that believed in slavery, the Misouri Synod, said since slavery is in the bible and the bible
SeaChange says
13 years ago
should be taken literally (and it still floors SeaChange to hear an African American say she believes literally in the Bible)
SeaChange says
13 years ago
that is still a matter of loving kindness and christianity to keep slaves.
SeaChange says
13 years ago
it pissed them off that members of the ELCA acted as missionaries and taught the word of God to their slaves.
SeaChange says
13 years ago
because they felt the need to be as good and innocent as the driven snow.
SeaChange says
13 years ago
it was one thing for them to keep a slave who was a pagan and another feeling entirely to keep one who was christian
SeaChange says
13 years ago
he isn't saying that human rights for homosexuals is wrong or immoral.
SeaChange says
13 years ago
but innocence is not a factor here.
SeaChange says
13 years ago
is there a cost to fucking men? Yes, there is, just like there's a cost of smoking and being obese. There's a deadly disease out there
SeaChange says
13 years ago
and it's hard to catch, and yet....
SeaChange says
13 years ago
the damn thing is not stomped out yet.
SeaChange says
13 years ago
being gay may be ok, but it's not innocent.
SeaChange says
13 years ago
being obese may be ok, but it's not innocent
SeaChange says
13 years ago
slavery and adultery are bad things.
13 years ago
Lemongrass says
13 years ago
there are lots of things we do which we know aren't the perfect thing to do. For me, an example is going on a jet plane.
Lemongrass says
13 years ago
we try to balance some of those things in our consciences.
Lemongrass says
13 years ago
but it gets more interesting when one gets to deciding or knowing that something is evil, and choosing to do it anyway. That's where the
13 years ago
cost you mention really tells.
Lemongrass says
13 years ago
at least from a spiritual point of view I mean. One is doing something for which there will be spiritual consequences, if one believes in
13 years ago
that kind of karma, which I do.
Lemongrass says
13 years ago
personally, I don't really see how fucking men in a non-abusive context is evil.
Lemongrass says
13 years ago
at the danger of pridefulness, I think that if one has thought carefully about the consequences and taken the sensible precautions, then
13 years ago
sometimes, just sometimes, some of the things which appear to come under a blanket ban in the bible may be moral to do.
Lemongrass feels
13 years ago
for example that there are marriages which it is really in everyone's interest to dissolve.
Lemongrass says
13 years ago
also that he's no expert in the bible.
13 years ago
wondres also whether one can really expect spiritual guidance such as was given in the bible to be as valid for us now as it was then.
Lemongrass says
13 years ago
because we have changed such a lot in our consciousness. This argument though is a slippery slope.
Lemongrass has
13 years ago
not read what the bible says about slavery. Do you really think it's pro-slavery? I would prefer to believe that Christians were
13 years ago
encouraged to look after those they were responsible for, including spiritually.
13 years ago
recalls something about if you beat a slave really harshly and he survives, then he's yours.
13 years ago
missed this plurk before, and wonders what SeaChange is doing these days.
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