England has
13 years ago
finally realized that he is, in fact, old-his entire body is covered in scars and he is so, so tired...
latest #163
13 years ago
offers his condolences, and a drink. He understands this feeling well...
Alfred has
13 years ago
won the game.
Ivan thinks
13 years ago
that America's being exceptionally unemphathetic - moreso that usual.
Preußen is
13 years ago
pretty sure you're just being melodramatic. Geez, England, try REALLY being old sometime.
Liet is
13 years ago
going to leave quickly if Russia's going to be here...!
13 years ago
gratefully accepts the drink, choosing, for once, not to take America's comment to heart-he's barely three centuries old, he wouldn't know.
13 years ago
also wonders what Prussia considers 'really old'.
Alfred thinks
13 years ago
that this is a fact and he's just telling it like it is, yo.
13 years ago
...is going to pretend Lithuania is not here, and therefore, will not annoy him~
13 years ago
doesn't care whether or not America plays non-existent, silly games-he just wishes he would take his apathy elsewhere.
13 years ago
"It doesn't matter what I consider really old. I'm just older than you, so stop complaining." Pause. "Drama queen."
England is
13 years ago
tempted to remind Prussia that, not only is the age difference between them nearly unnoticeable, but the past two hundred years of his
13 years ago
"life" haven't technically counted, as he was technically dissolved and made part of Germany around that time. "Yes, yes, I'm a drag-
13 years ago
down melodramatic. Leave me in peace, would you?"
13 years ago
Where are you getting the fucking 'two hundred years' from?! It hasn't been that fucking long!!! "I won't leave you in peace. You can't
13 years ago
act old. That makes me old, and I'm sure as hell not old."
13 years ago
While Prussia was officially dissolved by the Allied Forces near the end of World War Two, he had lost most of his military and influence
13 years ago
covers his ears and hums. "Lalala, here comes a lecture from Professor Boring. =3="
13 years ago
a good century or so before that. "I have the right to act however the hell I wish...it doesn't make sense for you to stay here,
13 years ago
claiming that you're trying to make me feel better for your sake, when you could just leave and ignore the situation entirely."
Ivan wants
13 years ago
to jab America in the eye - maybe that'll shut him up...
13 years ago
dares you to try. =3=
13 years ago
also cannot believe you're actually into this.
13 years ago
"Ja, ja, whatever. You can either keep bitching about how old you are, or come out drinking with me and pretend you're... I dunno, a kid
13 years ago
again. Or something."
13 years ago
looks at America and Russia most likely about to begin bickering in the corner, and decides he might as well drown himself in alchohol.
13 years ago
"Well...yes, alright. I suppose I could."
13 years ago
grins. "Awesome. Come on." Is it dragging time? Yes, it's dragging time.
13 years ago
doesn't want America to delude himself into thinking that he wouldn't do it...
13 years ago
allows himself to be dragged along, wondering if Prussia is planning on making him pay for their drinks. And he's low on euros, too...damn.
13 years ago
would never do that to you! Okay, yes, he would, but not tonight. Takes England to a bar and sits him down. "There. Now. Get good and drunk,
13 years ago
dammit." Smirks and sits down himself, ordering a beer.
13 years ago
glances at the menu, settling for an alchohol-heavy daiquiri-normally, he'd be fine with just whiskey, but he actually wants to be able to
13 years ago
taste it as he loses his sobriety tonight. "Yes, yes...I suppose I'll do my best."
13 years ago
"You'd better do better than your best. You're with a pro tonight." Snatches up his beer when it comes and takes a long drink.
13 years ago
"A pro, hm...?" A faint smile tugs at the corners of his mouth, gratefully taking a draught of the daiquiri when it's pushed towards
13 years ago
him. "Care to bet on that, Prussia~?"
13 years ago
glances at England. "I don't bet." Takes a drink. "Not when I'm paying for the fucking drinks."
13 years ago
quickly finishes off his drink, immediantly ordering another one. "Oh, I see...you doubt yourself, then~..?" Ah, there it was...with the
13 years ago
alchohol in his system, his confidence was returning.
13 years ago
smirks. "I don't doubt shit. But hey, good job on that first one." Takes his beer a little more slowly. Mostly because beer tastes
13 years ago
better if you taste it.
13 years ago
vaguely returns the smirk, knowing that the evening will, most likely, end in a drunken brawl-he'll save the fighting for after he's
13 years ago
had a few more drinks. "Mm, if you say so~..."
13 years ago
snorts. Honestly, he wasn't really in the mood to get shit-faced tonight. Not when he's doing this to cheer England up. >_> But shh, don't
13 years ago
tell England that. Finishes off his first beer and orders a second one. "See, if you look at it the right way, you're still fucking
13 years ago
13 years ago
finishes off his second drink, looking around the mostly-empty, dimly-lit bar-though it seemed backwater from the outside, the alchohol
13 years ago
quality is fairly decent..."Oh? Well, I'm obviously not looking at it the 'right way', then...how do you mean?"
13 years ago
"Well, are you older than the sun?" Takes a long drink. "Yeah, I didn't think so."
13 years ago
Older than the sun...? Damn, that would make him....old..."I'm honoured that you would think I'm the creator of the unvierse, but no, I'm
13 years ago
not that old."
13 years ago
"See? Then you're not old. Fuck, you're not even as old as China." More drinking, yep.
13 years ago
"Yes, but China's immortal...not that we aren't, but..he's different. The year's don't have any effect on him." Lucky bastard...
13 years ago
"Oh, and they have so much fucking effect on you?" Taps the edge of his glass.
13 years ago
"It certainly feels like it." He narrows his eyes, glaring into the bottom of his now-empty glass. He really shouldn't be drinking this
13 years ago
13 years ago
snorts. "And... you think that China doesn't feel those years? ... or the rest of us?" Signals for the bartender to bring England more to
13 years ago
13 years ago
makes a face, weakly shoving the albino's shoulder. "I never said that...I'm sure everyone else feels it too, if not worse...that doesn't
13 years ago
mean it doesn't bother me. I know I ought to keep my bloody mouth shut about it, though..."
13 years ago
glances at him and smirks. "It's okay, Eyebrows. You don't need to be... silent all the time. That's why I'm around. Got it? Just don't
13 years ago
forget you're not the only one." What's that? Being deep? Sure, why not.
13 years ago
"Don't call me that." He remarks with almost no bite whatsoever, gratefully taking the new drink and pouring it down his throat. "Ah...yes,
13 years ago
I suppose that, if it's no trouble, I could...what about you, then? How do you deal with the feeling?"
13 years ago
blinks. Then grins. "I don't. I tell it to fuck off." He's lying. But eh, he has a lot... worse feelings than that one to deal with.
13 years ago
"I...see.." He can't help but notice the way the light in the other's eyes falters briefly, but for the sake of Prussia's suprisingly weak
13 years ago
ego, he decides not to point it out. "I'll have to give that a try, then."
13 years ago
"It works fucking wonders. So does drinking more." Shoves the rest of his beer at England.
13 years ago
temporarily looks taken aback-Prussia is almost always crude, but very rarely does he show anything even resembling kindness or sympathy-
13 years ago
this evening has certainly changed his viewpoint of the man. "I suppose that's true, as well.." He remarks, finishing off the rest of the
13 years ago
13 years ago
grins. "... but you gotta admit, living so long... it's a good thing too. I mean, the things we've seen... Pretty shitty, but pretty awesome
13 years ago
13 years ago
pauses, considering it-humans live such fragile lives, so short and sometimes without impact. If he had a choice between remaining a nation
13 years ago
or becoming a human...he realizes that he would choose to remain a nation because he wouldn't give up his memories, both good or bad, for
13 years ago
anything. "Mm...yes, I suppose you're right.."
13 years ago
snickers. "I'm always right." Pause. "Do you feel better yet?"
13 years ago
smiles and nods, having nearly forgotten why he was so upset in the first place. It really wasn't worth worrying about, he sees now. "Yes,
13 years ago
I think so. Ah...thank you, Prussia."
13 years ago
looks very pleased with himself. "Ja, ja. You're welcome. You should really be thanking West, though." Griiiins as he pulls
13 years ago
out one of his brother's credit cards.
13 years ago
arches an eyebrow, looking briefly appehensive as the other pulls out his brother's credit card. "Oh..? I'll have to do that, then...I'm
13 years ago
sure he won't appreciate it, though~..."
13 years ago
snickers. "West doesn't appreciate shit. At least there'll be some interesting charges on his card." Gives the card to the bartender.
13 years ago
"And you use his credit card often?" He asks, finishing off the rest of his drink.
13 years ago
"Sure. I can't really... get cards in my own name anymore." Smirks. "Besides, West has more money than I do."
13 years ago
"Right, of course..." And that would be because, as he's no longer a country,Prussia doesn't have his own economy. ...nonetheless, the man
England has
13 years ago
been so kind to him tonight that he won't bother to point that out.
13 years ago
reaches out and pats England's shoulder. "How ya feeling? Think you'll fall over if you stand up?" Snicker.
England gives
13 years ago
him a relaxed sort of half-smile,grateful for the friendly gesture. "Most likely~...shall we call a cab?"
13 years ago
laughs. "Ja, sure. I think I've got some cash on me." Gets up... and fuckit, he'll help England if he wavers when he stands. -_-;
13 years ago
"Actually, I'll pay for it...you've done enough tonight." Clutching the edge of the counter just in case, he slides off the floor, stumbling
13 years ago
a bit when his feet hit the ground but quickly regaining his balance.
13 years ago
slides an arm around England's waist. Shhhh, it's nice to pretend like he's copping a feel. Because lol. "Nah, come on. Just lean on me."
13 years ago
jumps in suprise, looking at him quizzically. "E-Eh...? Al...right, then.." When the albino looks at him like that, confusing as it may
13 years ago
be, he can't exactly say no...besides, it's difficult to walk with this much alchohol in his system. Might as well use Prussia for
13 years ago
13 years ago
leads him outside and waves down a cab. "Now, you have to sit again. Think you can manage that?" He's enjoying this way too much.
13 years ago
rolls his eyes, opening the cab door and getting inside. Honestly, he isn't that drunk..."Oh, I don't know...it might be difficult with
13 years ago
seats like these~..."
13 years ago
"I know, that's why I'm here. When you fall, I can look so awesome when I get in without a problem." Smirk.
13 years ago
finds the other's cocky attitude rather amusing-he manages to be so without coming off as overly obnoxious. "Right, of course~...good luck
13 years ago
with that~"
13 years ago
pushes England a little. "It has nothing to do with luck." Pfff, okay, he pushed him into the cab. >_>
13 years ago
barely manages to keep from falling, catching himself by throwing his arms out to grab at the sides of the cab. He glares at Prussia over
13 years ago
his shoulder, climbing into the cab and grumbling a few choice swear words. "What does it have to do with, then?"
13 years ago
"Being awesome. Duh." Gets in after him, closing the door and leaning back in the seat, smirking. "You looked silly getting in the cab."
13 years ago
crosses his arms over his chest, scooting to the other side the cab. Well, if he's going to be that way..." I don't see what being
13 years ago
awesome has to do with it..."
13 years ago
"Everything. Besides, you wouldn't understand. You're not nearly as awesome as me."
13 years ago
"...of...course..." He blinks, looking at the albino quizically. No,honestly..what does awesomeness have to do with it??
13 years ago
believes it is a good sign when people agree with him. "So hey. Curious. Did you know I'm dating your kid?" Oh lookit that. Subject change?
13 years ago
eyes get as wide as dinner plates, mouth dropping open. "Y-You mean...one of my colonies?? Which one??"
13 years ago
smirks. "I think it'd be more fun if you guessed." Because Prussia is an asshole.
13 years ago
rolls his eyes, not in the mood to play that silly sort of game. "...it's either America, Canada, Hong Kong, or India, isn't it?"
13 years ago
"One of the four, yep." That really narrows it down.
13 years ago
frowns, really not wanting to have to guess. "...give me a hint, would you?"
13 years ago
smirks. A good hint would be... "He's American." ... Two ways that could be taken, yep.
13 years ago
"American...?" Arthur immediantly assumes the worst, looking annoyed. "A-As in...what??"
13 years ago
"As in 'from the Americas'. Jesus, Eyebrows. I gave you a hint that narrowed it down to two." Now he's just looking amused as all hell.
13 years ago
just stares at him for a minute, unsure of what to think. Whether he's talking about America or Canada....he's still terrified by the
13 years ago
idea!! "...h-how long has this been going on...?"
Preußen thinks
13 years ago
about it. "A few months? Something like that." Smirks. "What? You look a little scared."
13 years ago
"N-No, I just..." Well...chances are that Alfred would have at least told him, right...? "So...you're dating Matthew?"
13 years ago
grins. "Hey, look at that. You guessed right." Glances away. "Ja, I'm dating him."
England wonders
13 years ago
if France already knows, too. "I...see...you better be taking care of him, then!!"
13 years ago
snorts. "I'm taking plenty good care of him. I'm kind of... amused that wasn't your first response to the entire situation." Looks at him.
13 years ago
smiles awkwardly, rubbing the back of his head. "W-Well...honestly, I was just...shocked by the statement in general..."
13 years ago
"I have that effect on people." Smirks over at him. "... plus, I was kind of trying to shock you. I think it's funny."
13 years ago
shrugs, having expected it. "You just enjoy messing with people's heads, don't you...?" He pouts, not thinking it's funny at all.
13 years ago
"A little bit, yeah." Grins. "Come on. Watching you squirm because you thought I was dating the dumbass was hilarious."
13 years ago
"I-I wasn't squirming!! A-And...especially not because I thought you were dating Alfred.." He pouts, furiously denying it.
13 years ago
Trying... so hard... not to laugh... "Right, right. You keep telling yourself that."
13 years ago
flushes a bright red colour, crossing his arms over his chest. "W-Well...it's true...isn't it...?"
13 years ago
"Sure, if you say so." Now he's just trying to be patronizing.
13 years ago
nods, though the answer doesn't satisfy him at all. "O-Of course...why would it bother me...?"
13 years ago
"Because you're crazy?" That's a good reason for anything.
13 years ago
blinks, considering it for a moment. He gets that alot...could it be true? "Don't be ridiculous...what does my sanity have to do with it?"
13 years ago
snorts. "I think... it's hilarious. That you're actually taking me seriously, I mean."
13 years ago
frowns, looking even more confused than before. "What are you going on about...?"
13 years ago
"Absolutely nothing, Arthur. You're so drunk you think I'm talking to you. I've been silent this whole goddamn cab ride."
13 years ago
gapes at him dumbly, honestly unsure as to whether he should believe him or not. "You...what?? S-Stop pulling my leg!!"
13 years ago
Messing with drunk people is way too much fun. "I'm not pulling your leg. You're just talking to yourself..."
13 years ago
let out a soft sigh, resting his head against the cool glass of the cab window. "I see...perhaps I really am mad, after all..."
13 years ago
smirks. "Not too mad. You're really drunk, that's all."
13 years ago
shakes his head, pulling back a bit and rolling the window down to get some fresh air. "Apparently so..."
13 years ago
looks way too amused. It'll be fun to explain how he's dating Canada to him when he's sober. "Just relax, alright? You're almost home."
13 years ago
nods somewhat awkwardly, fairly sure that he won't even remember this conversation tommorow. "Thank goodness...ah, how do you plan to get
13 years ago
home, though..?"
13 years ago
"Dunno. I'll figure something out." Shrugs. He's not too concerned about that.
13 years ago
isn't too suprised by the apathetic response-that's how Prussia usually gets by, isn't it? "Are you sure...? It'll be difficult to get a
13 years ago
plane back to Germany this late, won't it..?"
13 years ago
shrugs again! "I'll get a hotel if I need to."
England is
13 years ago
amazed at how relaxed Prussia is-it's as though he just expects everything to work for him. "Alright then...is there some way I can help
13 years ago
with that?"
13 years ago
"Nah." Smirks. "I've got the card. That helps with everything." Hehehe.
England feels
13 years ago
a twinge of sympathy for Prussia's younger brother, but quickly brushes it off. "Ah, alright then...good night, I suppose."
13 years ago
"Mm. Just remember to stop being so... fucking... depressed. Alright? You're a pretty fun guy to drink with."
13 years ago
"Yes, of course...thank you. I'll be sure to do that." He's already feeling a little better, now-perhaps it's the alchohol running through
13 years ago
his veins, but his worries have left him, if only temporarily.
13 years ago
smirks. "Alright. See ya."
13 years ago
waves, going into his house. Well, this was certainly an...interesting evening..
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