13 years ago
Re-watching Euro vision. The English commentary is, well, brilliant as it were.
latest #45
England was
13 years ago
very impressed by Hungary's Eurovision entry this year-Kati Wolf has a brilliant voice. B-Blue was still fantastic, though...I'm determined
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to win this year!
13 years ago
"Are you now, well I plan to put up some competition myself next year. But thank you, I thought Blue did wonderfully also." She smiles, with
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a gleam of excitement in her eyes.
England gives
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her a polite smile, a competetive fire starting to burn within him. "But of course, Ms. Hungary...and I'm sure you'll do wonderfully.
13 years ago
Speaking of which, will you be participating in the London Olympics this summer?"
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"Well I'm sure we all will do our best. And yes, I do plan on entering, but it will depend a bit on my boss and work schedule at the time,"
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The competitive atmosphere excites her even more, and she begins thinking about when she'll get time to train.
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"In any case, you can count on the fact that I'll do my best to get to compete with you, and the rest of the world, whenever possible."
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smiles and nods, looking forward to competing against her and the other nations in the Olympics. "I'm sure...from what I've seen, your
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nation is quite something when it comes to sport. Which would you say is your favourite, Ms. Hungary?"
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Thinking similar thoughts, she replies, "I enjoy football quite a bit, but my personal favorite is badminton actually."
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"And yours would be?" Though she already has a good guess.
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"I actually enjoy the archery portion the most." He admits, glad to have found a person he can have a sensible, argument-free and
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intellegent conversation with. "Badminton? Oh, I see...have you ever played the sport on a team before?"
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"Really? Archery? That takes me back a bit to when we all survived through archery." She grins, thinking of the past.
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"On a team? Well, not personally I admit, just for fun with friends usually."
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blinks, taking a moment to look at the supposedly refined young woman in front of him. He isn't too well-informed when it comes to Eastern
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European history, but he does know that she hasn't always been this way. "Ah, that's used to be part of a nomadic tribe, didn't
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you?" It's almost impossible to believe that the beaming girl in front of him was once so wild and free, but...most people found it
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difficult to believe that he had once been a pirate, so he wasn't one to talk. "Oh, I see..well, that's always good, too."
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Smiles realizing her past and current appearance don't really match up. "Yes, back then I was a lot...different, you could say." Most people
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couldn't really see it, but she was little changed on the inside from her younger self. She supposed someone like England might understand
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her personality split, but didn't really want to bring it up. "It works for me. And what about you? Do you ever have archery matches?"
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supposed it had something to do with the number of people she had been ruled over by that had tempered her spirit-Turkey, Rome,
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wasn't really any of his buisness, but he couldn't help but feel a tiny pang of sympathy for her. Nations had once been so free-especially
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compared to the way they were now, shoved into buisness suits and expected to get along with everyone. Not that he was against the idea of
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world peace, but he hated that it was forced upon them. "I see...ah, I must admit I've never competed in an official match, but you could
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say that archery is a bit of a...hobby of mine."
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The topic makes her think of the past a little more than she wanted. All the changes she went through weren't necessarily a bad thing,
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in fact they'd benefited her country in the end very well. But the changes she'd had to undergo as a person were extreme.
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She was content with who she was now, but some how dwelling on the past always felt a little painful She supposed all countries must feel
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this at some point. Trying to shake the thoughts away she returned to the conversation, "So you're like me then? Well perhaps someday both
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of us will really compete." She brightens, at the thought of the future.
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nods, a little suprised to see that they've formed a bond so quickly-he had never bothered to talk to Hungary before, and is happy to find
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that she is such an interesting woman to converse with. He has heard of her supposedly violent actions from both France and Prussia, but she
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appears to be generally civil, calm and kind. "Yes, so do I. I wish you luck, Ms. Hungary." He replies, giving her a warm smile.
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Grins, pleased to see herself making what might become a very pleasant friendship. She always hears a lot about England, but never really
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meets with him. She's glad to find they have some things in common. "Wonderful, I wish you all the best as well England. You'll have to
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excuse the fact that I don't call you Mr. England, but I'm afraid it just doesn't suit you. " With that, she turns to leave, feeling
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quite satisfied. "Vislat, I hope we'll meet again sometime soon."
England is
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rather satisfied with the way that the conversation turned out, reminding himself to sit next to Hungary at the next World Summit and,
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hopefully, get to know her better. "Of course. Take care of yourself until then, Ms. Hungary." He replies politely, sending her off with a
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small wave.
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Waves back, feeling energized by the feeling that she has had a successful conversation. She's already excited to meet him again.
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