badcandy says
13 years ago
this is random, but does anyone here in Seattle have a rivet gun? Need to get through one of the covers of a hardcover novel. <3
latest #10
You should be able to do that with a dremel and the right bit?
badcandy says
13 years ago
I need to attach some elastic straps to the inside of the cover, and rivets was the suggested methodology.
isn't using all of her words, sorry. :-(
Shteevie says
13 years ago
Get a couple of fasteners, punch the hole with the dremel. Normal people don't own rivet guns.
♥.(.zannah.).♥ says
13 years ago
You can actually make your own rivets to do this extremely easily if you have the right hammer and wire.
badcandy says
13 years ago
maybe rivet gun isn't hte right word, I thought there were 'craft' versions, like for clothing.
Shteevie asks
13 years ago
like a bedazzler?
13 years ago
if you mean these then you don't want a rivet gun.
13 years ago
you want a hole punch [or dremel] and your fingers.
Shteevie says
13 years ago
and even with a hand rivet gun, you still need to drill holes.
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