grlofthecity is
15 years ago
glad she doesn't work for CircuitCity right now: "...most associates will be relieved of their duties immediately."
latest #9
LoRi_25 says
15 years ago
uh oh.. alot of those things cuz of the downturn of economy tsk tsk
15 years ago
Yep, and it's sad because CircuitCity has been around forever!
LoRi_25 says
15 years ago
oh I know. Are they really closing down for good or just a couple of their stores?
♥~♥ Debbi ♥~♥ says
15 years ago
finalfantasy25 all US stores are closing
15 years ago
Yep, ALL of them. Except the ones in Canada.
LoRi_25 says
15 years ago
omg really? wow last time I heard it was only a couple stores.. (I guess that was a looong time ago)
15 years ago
They just made the announced on Friday. You and I weren't in the dark for too long! ;-) The last I had heard was the Chapter 11.
Godtess says
15 years ago
i think the chaper 11 thing was just 6 weeks ago or so. But RIP Curcuit City.
sweetbutterfly says
15 years ago
UH OH...
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