szia zhenghua
én 16 éves vagyok
you guys are so young
Nem olyan fiatal.
ez igaz
Én is 24 éves vagyok
16-16, 24-24
all younger than me
happy birthday
káromkodni tanítottátok már?
bucii...azért azt nem kéne
21 years old now...
The second "vagyok" is not neccessary...
15 majdnem 16
ebben a plörkben gyűlik össze a teljes plörktársadalom?
miért azt is tudnia kell muahah
kb ja
nem kell tudnia...
Szegényke még semmit sem hallott az üdvözlésekről...
van vagy 1000 üdvözlés magyarul, szóval vicces
greetings: Csá cickány! Mi a hányás?
isten hozott
jajj ez olyan pórnépi
I'M not sure she should learn this...
who sais that 'isten hozott'
he said
imagine that you go to school in the morning and 'isten hozott'
nooo way
hogy fordítod az isten hozott-ot angolra?
it's so difficult...
angolban nincsen szó szerinti isten hozott
god bring
"isten hozott" means literally "god brought you (here)"
but no similar expression in English, so you can take it as one form of "welcome"
elvileg apum szerint god bless you
a god bless you az nem egészségedre vagy valami köszöntés?
doesn't "god bless you" mean "isten áldjon"?
yes and "bless you" = egészségedre
when you sneeze or such
Timcsi igen, de létezik god bless you is, ami talán az isten óvjonnak felel meg
ok, tonight is about "greeting"...teach me some greeting words, please
I know szia sziasztok, puszi, puszik
I have a friend, he used to say "nagy puszi"
does anyone say "puszik" as a greeting?
yes, "puszik" is incorrect, rather say "sok puszi"
but many people write puszik
"pá","páss" and "cső" are informal
"viszlát" and "viszontlátásra" are more formal
zhenghua puszik is a slang word for puszika, i means kisses but in a cutie way
I see
some people use "hali" and "szió" as well
"szió" is a slightly deformed version of "szia"
nincs mit
szia, énmeg 18 vagyok
Köszi everyone
can i say "és én 18 vagyok?
Köszi mindenki
zenghua, én vén vagyok mint az országút.
rolandhesz: én vén vagyok mint az országút? Nem értem
Despil magyar
im curious that how can you say these words
rolandhesz: you are always pluking in english..miért?
its a good qiestion about despil
miért tanulsz magyarul zhenqhua? do you say in hungary?
in Hungary=Magyarországon
Balu asked why are you learning hungarian
my ex-boyfriend was Hungarian
I miss him SO MUCH
he asked why do you learn in hungarian?
zheanhua and do you think he will love you more if you learn his language?
I don't think so...but I just want to learn!
I know it's over but we're still friends
He's back in Hungary now and I am in taiwan...distance is a big problem
its sad
also the time many reason, his feelings for me have changed and that's something i can't change
I mean i can't have him change his feelings back
yeah, it's so sad
if you want to wish a nice day / night to someone, you should say: "Leszopnálak titeket!" it's a very common sentence in Hungary
you should plurk that all the time, when you want to greet someone
or 'szevasztok patkányok'
for example: "Leszopnálak XY!" where XY is the name of the person you want to greet
i can say "Jó napot" "Jó éjszakát"
not really but i am learning
I just memorize everything you guys teach me
I don't know about grammar
don't know many vocabulary
Pumukli said you could say i wanna make blowjob with you XY, so it's not a greeting
Nio, mi a francnak árultad el neki?
no, not really, Nio is just in her funny mood tonight, she's just telling you a joke
most ez kb olyan,mintha te tanulnál angolul és faszságokra tanítanának
greeting: *Hello mufti, na mi a fett va'?*
yeah, and Hunter is my little relative, who is totally in a lack of sense of humour
don't cry for me Argentina
hungarian is so difficult
if you welcom someone you can say *Shalom*, there is a border crossing point, where is written *Hegyeshalom*, it means: *Welcome here*
Shalom is the more formal and friendly way to greet someone
üdv is just the way friends greet each other
yeah yeah, it's roughly the same, but a bit more formal
Shalom is the way you greet people in shops, offices
and especially we use this form in post offices, and if you meet police officers
if you say "üdv" to a policeman, he/she may think that you are rude
most komolyan, van itt valaki aki elhiszi hogy ez a csaj valódi amúgy?
mér ne lenne az
buci, volt itt egy argentin Nolín nevű fiatalember, akiről kiderült hogy nem is argentin ;]
it's your choice, my first example was a joke, but Lev ain't talking no shit, so you should trust him
our ancestors were migrant folk,and when they crossed through arabia, this greeting spread amongst the other people (salem aleykum,shalom)
zhenghua, what's your mother's name?
jingui is a name of a laxative tea here in Hungary
i added you
idiots rising
29 years old, but unfortunatelly he must learn to his exam, what will be tomorrow. ;\
suexid és lev omg
azért nem csalódtam bennetek Andris és Lev
nem vagy öreg
párom is kerekedik és nem az
üdvözöllek dicső lovag, szép a ruhád, szép a lovad. mi szél hozott monca erre, s mi vajon a szíved terve?
it's a greetingsform used by princess if she meets the prince charming.
ez itt a plürktard gyűjtő thread
hádehaecce jelölget minket agybafőbe?!
(na ezt fejtse meg minden kedves frissen magyarultanuló)
ez a sok komment már lefagyaszt héé.
benéz ide
Szia zhenghua
tökjó, hogy magyarul akar tanulni. Ilyen sincs sok...
azért akad néhány
de valóban jó
nem mintha sokat segítenénk neki
ugy hiszi eddig neked van a legtöbb respose-od