13 years ago
latest #51
Sean Gorham
13 years ago
Preeeeeeetty sure Rodvik doesn't read Plurk...
lordfly says
13 years ago
he reads SLU though
Beyoncé Enjoyer says
13 years ago
I dunno, after reading your post, I have to say my experience is very different than yours.
Beyoncé Enjoyer says
13 years ago
Granted I do log in on a regular basis, and I'm not a creator by any means, but...
Beyoncé Enjoyer says
13 years ago
1) I have always gotten my marketplace items in a timely manner (meaning 1 minute or less)
Beyoncé Enjoyer says
13 years ago
2) I wish group chat would break sometimes, seriously my groups won't STFU ever
Beyoncé Enjoyer says
13 years ago
I'm no LL fangirl by any means, but what you experienced is not my experience at all. Just saying.
Beyoncé Enjoyer says
13 years ago
Also I know you didn't want to hear about 3rd party clients but I tried out Firestorm today and I'm quite pleased with it so far, it does
Beyoncé Enjoyer says
13 years ago
exactly what I want it to do and it's not drastically different from the original client.
Coyote Laughs
13 years ago
Same, my experience is much much different from yours, Lordfly.
lordfly says
13 years ago
no doubt. i'm just a grumpy old man.
lordfly says
13 years ago
i just don't understand what the fucks' going on.
Coyote Laughs
13 years ago
Yes, and we love you. Gramps.
lordfly says
13 years ago
i log in maybe once a quarter, and it never works right
lordfly says
13 years ago
and i don't really care, in the grand scheme of things, i ahve other shit to worry about
lordfly says
13 years ago
but it sucks that i spent 6-some years of my life on a platform that still sucks eggs.
13 years ago
I hear this about the Marketplace but out of the entire time I've used it (all 3.5 years I've been in SL) I've had maybe 2 failures
lordfly says
13 years ago
i use it twice a year. it rarely works.
Beyoncé Enjoyer says
13 years ago
Maybe use it more than twice a year?
Beyoncé Enjoyer says
13 years ago
I'm not trying to be obnoxious (really!) but what you posted isn't typical for me at all.
13 years ago
it's weird to me, I know it usually works for me but others say it doesn't, it just proves to me that the system is wildly inconsistent
Beyoncé Enjoyer says
13 years ago
I usually don't have issues with SL, and when I do they mostly can be traced to my geriatric computer.
lordfly says
13 years ago
granted, my computer is 5 years old, but it runs everything else flawlessly (famous last words)
Beyoncé Enjoyer says
13 years ago
Yeah I bought this computer in 2007, I wouldn't even begin to know how to replace the graphics card, but I have no real complaints.
Anne Cloud
13 years ago
As much as LL may once have claimed otherwise, SL eats video cards for breakfast. If your computer is 5 years old,
Anne Cloud
13 years ago
it's no wonder you're not having the SL experience of your dreams.
Anne Cloud
13 years ago
from what you wrote on your SLU post though, it sounds like you at least still have the option to crank down some of your settings. You
Anne Cloud
13 years ago
have it easier than some.
lordfly says
13 years ago
true. but SL shouldn't be assuming my mid-range-at-best video card can do tricks around CryEngine 3.
lordfly says
13 years ago
I mean really, I'm fairly technically apt, I was amazed that SL decided my computer could run DoF and shadows/ambient occlusion just fine.
Anne Cloud
13 years ago
what are you running? I have a two GTX 560s and they put me 'mid range' when i can handle ultra. It should be noted, though, that for the
Anne Cloud
13 years ago
longest time, my video card wasn't even on the list and my prefs would be set to the lowest possible.
Anne Cloud
13 years ago
I do find the last few updates have been rather rushed and in some cases (such as viewer presets) decisions made were not as right as they
Anne Cloud
13 years ago
could have been. However I've also experienced positive results with JIRAs that have been fixed in this version having reported issues
Anne Cloud
13 years ago
no more than a week ago.
lordfly says
13 years ago
i'm running a single Nvidia 9800GT. I suppose it shoudl be considered "low end" by now
Anne Cloud
13 years ago
it should still handle atmospheric shaders in a low traffic area. If you really wanted a better FPS, you could probably turn those off and
Anne Cloud
13 years ago
just run basic shaders (or less). I tend to do that if i'm at a crowded location, even with the video cards I've got, since there's no
Anne Cloud
13 years ago
accounting for what other people wear, from a resource point of view.
lordfly says
13 years ago
my point is though, is that SL "set" those options as a "recommended" optoin. DoF? Shadows? really?
lordfly says
13 years ago
taking SL's "suggestions" at face value, I got 3 fps.
lordfly says
13 years ago
also my avatar never loaded
13 years ago
you know most of your issues sound like something's really clogging your connection, instead of being about graphics.
Anne Cloud
13 years ago
ok, but see at this point you're very deliberately being a stick in the mud. Yes, they're recommendations, but it's not like they were
Anne Cloud
13 years ago
the lowest options available to you. I updated my desktop machine only a few months ago and i still frequently only run a 64m draw distance
Anne Cloud
13 years ago
If the bells and whistles aren't as important to you, nothing is stopping you from turning them off.
Sean Gorham
13 years ago
Oops. You're right, LF, he does read SLU. I pulled a stupid there. (doh) And I agree with pretty much all you said, too.
lordfly says
13 years ago
Aki: Valid points, but I was looking at the situation more from an "average user" experience, one who doesn't ...
lordfly says
13 years ago
...understand why the client is recommending something their computer can't handle "out of the box".
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