"we're going on a bear hunt" (echo: "we're going on a bear hunt") "we're gonna catch a BIG one!" ("we're gonna catch a BIG one!") "with big
green eyes!" ("with big green eyes!") "and a fuzzy little tail" ("and a fuzzy little tail") "look over there!
" ("look over there!") "its a candy factory!" ("its a candy factory") "cant go over it" ("cant go over it") "cant go under it" ("cant go
under it") "cant go around it" ("cant go around it") "i guess we'll go through it" ("i guess we'll go through it") "mumyummaummyummammummmm"
"we're going on a bear hunt" ("we're going on a bear hunt") "we're gonna catch a BIG one!" ("we're gonna catch a BIG one!") "with big green
eyes" ("with big green eyes") "and a fuzzy little tail" ("and a fuzzy little tail") "look over there!" ("look over there!") "its a jello
swamp" ("its a jello swamp") "cant go over it" ("cant go over it") "cant go under it" ("cant go under it") "cant go around it" ("cant go
around it") "i guess we'll go through it" bubblublbbulbublbulbulbububblblublublubb "we're going on a bear hunt......
artichoke hearts are really good if you cook them right.
Wow! That's really random!
blip blop-bloop and a bing bang boom!
random is as random does.
not u too!!!
YAY!!!! Thank You, Jack!
"God is bigger than the boogy man!"
he's bigger than godzilla or the monsters on tv
"you are my cheeseburger!" (thats the song playing right now! hehe
hmm i think...i think....i think...nope....my brain just over heated and shut down!
and he's watching over your and me!
I Love to Laugh!!! HA HA HA HA!!! Big and LOUD!
Advil PM is amazing!! I was out like a light in like 2 monutes and didnt get up til 10:30 this morning!!!
dust bunnies under the sofa usually have other indescribable objects mixed in with them.
somewhere over the rainbow!!!!
why are they called bunnies. they don't even have any ears
havent you seen the big comfy couch?!?!
i used to love that show. but then they got a new lunette the clown and i stopped watching it
Smurf was all bummed when they changed the Lunette clown too. I barely noticed the difference but she didn't like the change & stopped
i didnt like the change either...
ack.. I couldn't stand it to be on the tv
oh it was one of Smurf's favorites!
I watched it until like 6th grade...
did you guys watch Barney too
I love you, you love me..........
LOL remember getting asked on the bus if i liked barney and when i said yes, i got a LOT of strange looks. i dont like barney now but i
i guess we didn't have tv when the they made the clown change. the eat-your-veggies one always scared me!
Clowns are great, bringers of joy and happiness.
Jamaica is looking pretty good right about now.
"Connected! Protected! La la la la la...Two Voices, One Song!!!"
Conjunction Junction, whats your function?...........
NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!!!!!!!! (school house rock......not fun)
(ohhh havn't seen that. its a movie right? with the jonas brothers or watever?)
i dont know about the jonas brothers but the one ive watched was from a while ago. it was one of those "educational" movies that we
(gage and i) watched when we were younger. they had "grammar rock" and a bunch of other ones. i didnt really like them.
ohhh okay..that was pry like "camp rock" or something. it had camp in it.
ahh, ya ive heard of that
Pluto is no longer a planet, but he's still a dog.
(thats what it sounded like when my brother was spelling it out loud! lol)(
It's a mix between Jazz and Funk it's called Junk
I can't think of ONE line from Prde&Pred! eekkk
Rocky Mountain Oysters! Ew,wwww!
mee meee meee mee meeeeeeeee
youuuu youuuuu youuuuuu youu youuuuuuuuuu
it's very hard to keep peanut butter in the house when Jake is always sneeking it by the tablespoon full!
i would so be joining him there!
ad some chocolate syrup to the top! mmmmm
ya, he would like that too!
isnt he the one who suggested putting coffee creamer in milk to make it flavored milk???
i like my milk the it is!
ohhh my eyelashes&eyebrows!
Yes Snot. Jakes the one who suggested the creamer in milk thing. (that is when he's not just drinking it straight out of the container)
very true
ewww... thats where i draw the line
I just exploded a bowll of oatmeal in the microwave...
if you put a light bulb in a bowl of water & place it in the microwave, it will light up. Really!
It wil?????? Thats SWEEEEEET!!!!!!!
I'm thinking it might also blow up the microwave...
well, you don't want to do it for a really long time, but it does work & it's kinda cool!
*yelling* MOM WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
How 'bout a few seconds just until you see it light up.
(and i'll take your advise, Roosha! lol)
GO STEELERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
moo juice haha jon i beat you
1 man = three nails = 4given
pink, blue, purple ponies
NOOOOOOOOOOOO not pLurple ponies!!!!!!!!!
are the choral readers REALLY doin there shirts pLurple & neon green?????
neon green sounds awesome. . . but. . .pLurple?????
no. mrs b didnt go for that
so is it back to black with white letters?
i think so. i forgot to ask when she called last night.
has she called u yet bout wut size and name u want?
i'm not in choral reading.
lol, i know like everything from watching it! lol, so i cud be a sub
(who shud we make sick??
lol i'm kidding
(but i'm sure you thought i was serious!)
no. lol but u could definitely be a sub if one of us couldnt make it to a performance
(back to being random) Romulan Ale
(ok that was definately random)
Of coarse it was I'm one of the most random people in Iowa
that is probably true. hmmm we shud have a contest!!!
can someone do my report for me?
I WILL! if you write it. . .and stand up there with me. . .and tell me what to say the whole time!