❤Delora❤ is
12 years ago
missing you guys a lot. Life is sucking still, spent a night in the hospital last week plus had to have minor surgery on my knee.
latest #18
❤Delora❤ says
12 years ago
But I promise, I'll be back soon. I really want to come back soon. :-(
(cozy) missing you too!
12 years ago
miss you!!!
Demon Lacie
12 years ago
Gen Slade says
12 years ago
isle says
12 years ago
(cozy) I really really hope things improve for you doon.
Juniper♫Arwyn says
12 years ago
(cozy) Miss you! Get better and come back soon!
isle says
12 years ago
*SOON*! not doon. I dont know when that is. Soon. <3
12 years ago
12 years ago
12 years ago
Oh, man, that SUCKS! I know what a bitch it is to recover from even a minor knee surgery (I've had 3 and might need a 4th atm, who knows in
12 years ago
the future - probably headed for eventual knee replacements for both knees in 10-15 yrs or less). I hope things start looking up for you, it
12 years ago
sounds like you've been having quite the rough time of it. I wish you a speedy recovery and I hope you get back to sl soon! Oh! And, if you
12 years ago
don't mind me asking, what is the knee surgery for? Is it same-day or inpatient? At least w/ same-day surgery you don't hv to spend the
12 years ago
night in a creepy, cold, sterile hospital room. That's he worst and to go through twice so close together would uber-suck. Whatever yr knee
12 years ago
issues might be, I hope they're minor enough to only warrant same-day/outpatient procedure. Crossing my fingers & knocking on wood for ya!
12 years ago
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