Mary Baphomet is
13 years ago
Worried about my dog he's peeing blood :-( Guess all the rent money is going to the Vet. :'-(
latest #11
Oh no Kassie did that once also when she was a pup and it was just a bladder infection I hope its not to serious (cozy)
Hethr says
13 years ago
Mary Baphomet
13 years ago
He wasn't peeing yesterday we thought was just fluke but today it's good amount of blood. Hope it's something simple :-(
13 years ago
:-o (cozy)
13 years ago
oh i'm so sorry to hear that! :-( i'll keep my fingers grossed for you and your puppy~
Mary Baphomet
13 years ago
Thanks everyone! My hubby is so upset it's his baby.
13 years ago
lolol, horrid typo. CROSSED** not grossed. and it's so tough when things happen with pets :-( they are like family members.
Mary Baphomet
13 years ago
lol I didn't even notice until you pointed it out :-))
13 years ago
i shouldn't have even mentioned it then! (LOL)
Vivi says
13 years ago
aw, i hope everything is okay. :'-(
Mary Baphomet
13 years ago
He had a UTI so hopefully antibiotics work there charm and be done :-P
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