13 years ago
I'm sorry for not being around lately.
latest #18
❤Delora❤ says
13 years ago
I'm alive, I'm just... not awesome.
[Codie ~]#
13 years ago
dun be sorry (cozy) glad to hear of you tho, was wondering where you were
❅Tina ❅ says
13 years ago
There have been quite a few plurks lookin for ya, glad to hear youre still with us!
13 years ago
there you are! i seriously was worried and wondered about you :-(
13 years ago
Well you know we care and miss you and wish you well and are always around when you do want to talk (cozy)
13 years ago
I was wondering!! (cozy)
SySy says
13 years ago
SySy says
13 years ago
i'm EVEN gonna pay my friggin rent in time.
13 years ago
I'm in the waiting period right now for a medical diagnosis that's pretty much made me useless when it involves dealing with people.
13 years ago
I'm irritable and not very good company, and much of my day is spent eating pain meds like candy.
13 years ago
So uh... I love you guys, and that's one of the reasons I've been away. I didn't wanna alienate you too much.
13 years ago
if you want to chat, I'm on skype: delorastarbook
Monroe Jigsaw
13 years ago
13 years ago
thanks for checking in, I was worried about you!
13 years ago
I lovers you!
13 years ago
isle says
13 years ago
13 years ago
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