*curses her stupid finger* typing with your finger splinted is a pain in the aft
latest #11
not sure that or sprained it really bad it was all purple and swollen and stuff
yeah sounds like you jammed it at least
i don't know when it happened i just noticed it was hurting and looked down and it was purple kept swelling so its splinted just in case
i may take it off this evening cause it's driving me crazy
splinting can help with jamming too since it keeps you from bending it. I'd ice it too.
i think it got twisted up by anubis but not sure... walking him today's going to be fun but i'd like to let him get the exercise, as well as
that's probably it, it makes logical sense especially if it's not something you can put your finger on... usually that means it's something
you do regularly and don't think twice about if you get hurt while doing it you notice less especially if you're busy dealing with the dog
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