❤Delora❤ says
13 years ago
Today's thing to do: Eye exam, picking out new glasses, calling dad once I'm done so he can pay for it.
latest #43
❤Delora❤ says
13 years ago
My birthday is on the 31st, and every other year my birthday present is new glasses and new prescription sunglasses.
❤Delora❤ says
13 years ago
I don't have vision coverage on my medical insurance, so my parents pay for it every other birthday. :-)
Summer says
13 years ago
ohh i'm getting an eye exam and new glasses today toooo.
Summer says
13 years ago
How nice! I get my vision insurance plan from my tribe, which is nice cuz otherwise i have no way of getting vision service
❤Delora❤ says
13 years ago
www.twopair.com <-- I go to these guys
❤Delora❤ says
13 years ago
My vision's so poor that they have to use special material in my lenses which jacks up the cost.
❤Delora❤ says
13 years ago
So instead of it being 70 bucks, it's going to run about 250
Summer says
13 years ago
yeah :-( I can relate, my near sight vision is really different in each eye, plus I have astigmatism and a lazy eye
❤Delora❤ says
13 years ago
but 250 for a pair of regular glasses and a pair of sunglasses?
Summer says
13 years ago
plus i need bifoculs
Summer says
13 years ago
❤Delora❤ says
13 years ago
Ewww bifocals.
Summer says
13 years ago
I can barely read up close
Summer says
13 years ago
which is hindering my studying, I have to take off my glasses and read with 1 eye in order to see the text clear
❤Delora❤ says
13 years ago
I have severe astigmatism and if my glasses are off, I can't see ANYTHING.
Summer says
13 years ago
isn't that awaful :-(
❤Delora❤ says
13 years ago
And yeah, right now I'm down to closing one eye to read, which means it's time to get new glasses.
Summer says
13 years ago
yes! I go to the Eye Doctors, last year she said she could prolly save me from bifoculs for a couple years but i would need them
Summer says
13 years ago
as my vision is deteroiating
❤Delora❤ says
13 years ago
Yeah, poor vision is typical in my family.
13 years ago
Lasik FTW
❤Delora❤ says
13 years ago
My mom got Lasik and STILL needs glasses.
Summer says
13 years ago
*nod* eye surgery isn't gonna help people with really bad vision problems
❤Delora❤ says
13 years ago
It helped my mom no longer need the thick coke-bottle lenses.
❤Delora❤ says
13 years ago
I'd LOVE to get lasik but that's not going to be affordable for a while.
13 years ago
my eye exams cost a fortune D: i have a scar on my cornea and i have to have all these tests done every time i go in
13 years ago
i haven't been able to afford an exam for a long time now
❤Delora❤ says
13 years ago
Ugh that sucks. Do they have a branch of America's Best near you?
❤Delora❤ says
13 years ago
It may be cheaper if you go there.
❤Delora❤ says
13 years ago
Check the link I posted.
13 years ago
i'll check and see
13 years ago
erf.. only ones near me are several hours away X-x
❤Delora❤ says
13 years ago
aw. :-(
Monroe Jigsaw
13 years ago
oooooh u know the one part i HAAATTTTE about an eye exam???? that fucking thing that blows air in your eye (fuu)
Summer says
13 years ago
omg i hate that too
Summer says
13 years ago
and they say dont move, dont blink
❤Delora❤ says
13 years ago
Yeah, the airblower makes me flinch.
Monroe Jigsaw
13 years ago
Fuuuuuckaduck oh im glad im not the only one.....And the anxiety of waiting for the bastard to do it makes it WORSE DX
13 years ago
I hate/fear that test so much I've never gotten through it. eyedrops and shoving other things at my eyes? sure! but not the scary puff!
Monroe Jigsaw
13 years ago
Ohhhh yes Amyla(cozy)
❤Delora❤ says
13 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/3181019_3931c3718c2a21806508693d120107b5.jpg Turns out my vision has slipped to 20/400.
❤Delora❤ says
13 years ago
And THOSE are the new glasses!
Monroe Jigsaw
13 years ago
8-) (highfive)(dance)
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