13 years ago
These people. Leave the fucking gene pool. Now. i.imgur.com/eFYYe.jpg
latest #91
[Codie ~]#
13 years ago
13 years ago
wow. not only do the attitudes suck, but the lack of basic world history knowledge is pretty appalling.
Sean Gorham
13 years ago
Yeah. They need to, um, die. :-(
Sean Gorham
13 years ago
They make me weep for humanity.
[Codie ~]#
13 years ago
again, funny how nobody remembers that we exterminated more than 2 million civilians over there by dropping atomic bombs.
❤Delora❤ says
13 years ago
It's as if they've forgotten that we nuked Japan. TWICE.
Sean Gorham
13 years ago
I'm sayin'!
[Codie ~]#
13 years ago
HA! thanks Delora.
Sean Gorham
13 years ago
That paid off any karmic debt and then some.
(((Cajsa))) says
13 years ago
Two words. Hiroshima & Nagasaki
[Codie ~]#
13 years ago
sometimes i believe many occidentals (including americans and canadians) are fucking horrible people and should DIAF. world would be better.
13 years ago
I lold.
13 years ago
Karma works both ways.. i don't want to be here when we get ours.
[Codie ~]#
13 years ago
Sean: actually they would have to land a nuke on us to make it about even.
13 years ago
Codie horrible and stupid people are in every country and culture.
13 years ago
damn son. dear god .. please show us mercy LOL
Sean Gorham
13 years ago
There's awful people everywhere - where you were born doesn't enter into it.
Sean Gorham
13 years ago
And there's good people everywhere too. :-)
Dovelove says
13 years ago
That's disgusting.
[Codie ~]#
13 years ago
Ana: granted.
Dovelove says
13 years ago
I suppose it's our turn to all drop dead of the pox now too. Since it's karma and all.
what the fuck is wrong with people? i don't care about Pearl habour .. most of the people over there were not even born
when that happened.. what the hell that is just sick..
(((Cajsa))) says
13 years ago
In-group, out-group tribalism is part of our bioengineering. It served an evolutionary purpose at one time. Now, it's probably an impediment
(((Cajsa))) says
13 years ago
but....it hangs on like other vestigial useless bits that provide nothing worthwhile but can make us sick.
13 years ago
yah, white people had slaves. and black people seem to think we owe them some thing for it? Karma Maybe? i think not
13 years ago
There is such thing as karma what you say goes around comes around. EVEN THE INTERNET
13 years ago
those people set them selves up for bad karma just by posting BS.
13 years ago
don't get me wrong i say a lot of bs lol.
13 years ago
BUT the thing of the matter is. people are dieing right now and look at us. we are here on the internet
13 years ago
13 years ago
stop trying to find the drama on the net and actually do some thing
13 years ago
<--- nurse we have in place a team of doctors and nurses ready to go.
13 years ago
if they call me I AM SO GOING!
Japan is in much better shape than Haiti. I heard the leader of an ngo aid organization that specializes in putting doctors in boots on the
ground saying that they were not going to Japan. Maybe one of the island nations nearby but Japan doesn't need medical triage, treatment and
transport so much as they need debris clearers and delivery services. Japan has been preparing for this type of disaster for a long time.
13 years ago
i spent two weeks when katrina hit.
13 years ago
any type of help is needed in these type situations
13 years ago
you can never have enough
Washu-shu says
13 years ago
I feel sick now.
I am not saying it isn't. I am saying that unlike the US and Haiti Japan has a culture of helping their own. I've not seen reports of
looting and pillaging. I've seen reports of neighbors helping neighbors though. It's a cultural thing.
As for the fuckwads in that pic they need to all go learn history.
13 years ago
I hate this so much I could die! I want to punch them all in the reproductive organs so hard they never ever have any more babies.
13 years ago
I just....This is the second time today that I have had no words. People are dumb.
❤Delora❤ says
13 years ago
The one that pisses me off the most:
❤Delora❤ says
13 years ago
Mike Sellitto: "Hell yeah that's right japan 3-1 you may have had pearl harbor but we got Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and,,,
Dovelove says
13 years ago
seriously, this is one of the most disgusting things I've seen in a long time.
❤Delora❤ says
13 years ago
, since God is on our side, we have this. SCOOOOREEEBOOOOOARD"
❤Delora❤ says
13 years ago
THAT. Right there. I want to go shoot that dude.
Dovelove says
13 years ago
My blood is boiling. I'm glad they made this with all names showing. For shame!
Siddean needs
13 years ago
a "hate" button. Maybe "loathe
13 years ago
or "die"
❤Delora❤ says
13 years ago
13 years ago
I agree Dove, I am glad this is a name and shame thing. With faces and all
Dovelove says
13 years ago
It disgusts me more when they throw God into the mix. I'm not even a religious person - i don't even know if I believe in a God
Dovelove says
13 years ago
and I get so.fucking.irritated when people do that.
❤Delora❤ says
13 years ago
Someone actually blamed Japan for starting WW2 in that picture.
13 years ago
13 years ago
I saw that.
❤Delora❤ says
13 years ago
13 years ago
I had to close it for a brief intermission before reading the rest of them after that.
13 years ago
Well, that was the first one I had to do that on, there were several others.
13 years ago
yeah I can't read it all either. Too much rage.
13 years ago
ignorant people walk amongst us. Using religion and deities to claim karma for something that not only happened long ago but that was taken
Dovelove says
13 years ago
I'm fuming. I wish we could put all of these people on an island somewhere all by themselves with no form of technology and no way off.
13 years ago
care of with two atomic bombs of our own is preposterous and unbelievable.
❤Delora❤ says
13 years ago
And those two atomic bombs were overkill as it is.
[Codie ~]#
13 years ago
no kidding. not to mention they specifically targeted populated area. it wasn't a vulgar display of power, as authorities claimed.
13 years ago
all these idiots obviously forget that we are not without sin. No one country is perfect. Mistakes and overstepping has been done here too.
13 years ago
What a worthless bunch of human beings. I am beyond disgusted.
(((Cajsa))) says
13 years ago
Bob Dylan wrote a response to those who think God is on our side, here's a cover With god on our side
Dovelove says
13 years ago
I love how we've crowned ourselves some kind of global conscience or moral police apparently.
13 years ago
13 years ago
they seem to enjoy putting their racism on display. pretty appalling.
isle says
13 years ago
That all makes me sick and angry but mostly sad. Cajsa, you said it true. Ingroup.outgroup tribalism, sometimes evolution forgets things.
isle says
13 years ago
Like tails. And blind ignorance.
Smiley says
13 years ago
Maybe these fucktarts should all go to Hawaii, stand at the beach and wait for a tsunami. -.-
13 years ago
wow.. all of them just need to diaf...
Fireboy Andel
13 years ago
shakes his head
Fireboy Andel
13 years ago
these people make me ashamed to be a american
13 years ago
it was just a matter of time before the scums of the earth made their presence known.
WendyOfNeverland says
13 years ago
So, I'm guessing I should still be pissed at the British for burning the White House during the war of 1812? Damn, and I like bangers & mash
13 years ago
i can't believe people are so ignorant and unsympathetic.
add me please ;-) thanks :-)
Rose Karuna
13 years ago
absolutely disgusting - I'm kind of wishing that plurk deletes their accounts
❤Delora❤ says
13 years ago
Those people were facebook peeps, not plurk peeps.
13 years ago
my brain cells died reading those. -.- fucking idiots. Im not sure we should send help to Japan when we don't have our own shit in order,
13 years ago
but those attitudes blow.
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