i still remember the roti jala curry pastor thom talked about! your parents are very good at cooking eh!
emm..i can practically smell the food and i must say it's tantalizing..hehe *drools*
eh what about me??
hey, i made part of d roti jala.. haha.. it's real fun, u shld try it someday.. mayb we can do it 4 sym!! haha.. grandma's recipe..
yeah, d food was amazing chad.. ask adriel.. i was like whoa... FEAST!!
haha.. vic, hey, thinking bout it, u wanna join our sym next yr aft ur spm? it's a 3-month stint.. yth ministry training, n missions 2 sabah
wah no way not going to sabah... bad memories...
halo! our year suppose to be an ALL-GIRL SYM k!!!!
i'm the only guy ah... ma die..
you still tak tidur lagi?? XD
*continues to drool* lucky adriel i'm envious
hey clara u're not asleep yet?
harh?!? that is so random... no lah, i had a long afternoon nap thts y.
lolz haha...i see..i thought there was something troubling ya
if there is something troubling u,u can always talk to me! lolz
oyea... u finish ur spm d right? you can register for SYM next year.
i have to report for NS soon..in 6 days' time to be exact,i doubt that they'll allow me to postpone d
are pursuing f6 next year?
truth to be told i'd rather go SYM than NS
if u take f6, u can take SYM after ur STPM also. SYM is for 18 & 20 yr olds...
i ask pr tom n he says i can join SYM next year
my year dont have any guys wan. only me, jess and evie.
i pity jess lah! she plurked about cream puff and we're talking about SYM! XD
it's okay!I'll be the thorn among roses
i x think so.. i think u'll b joining d yr aft our yr.. cos it'll b halfway if u're starting collg or f6 this yr..
vic, sym is lotsa fun stuff.. it's d real stuff.. nothing to do w bb marching .. haha
good.. but the sun in sabah is crazy.. it rises at 4... and teh sun is 2 times hotter there.. and at 6 the sun is freaking hot
i love d sun.. anyway vic, u're exaggerating too much.. haha.. eh, what's w ur geography.. time zone oi! haha
haha... umm i've been there.. i know.. teh sun sets there at 5..
i LOVE d sun, x when i start sweating la.. isn'
isn't it nice there vic.. i've always wanted to go there
umm the food there SUCKS TO THE MAX!!!
i hate sun. the sun makes me darker than oprah winfrey. :[
you mean "liar". what's wrong with ur spelling ar???
sry lar.. watching batman..
i love d sun making me dark babe.. haha.. d food that cham meh.. haha