lizbdavis says
15 years ago
I just came in second place for the edublogger awards. Should the winner not be able to carry out his duties, I will take over.
latest #32
Zomby wonders
15 years ago
if you jest. (thinking)
@gkat says
15 years ago
Congratulations. Well deserved!
☆ stacy 8/2013 says
15 years ago
Watch you don't trip that first place winner on her walk down the run way.... Congratulations!!!!!
☆ stacy 8/2013 says
15 years ago
Did you realize when people click on your blog, the m is missing so it comes up not available. Just thought you might want to fix that.
lizbdavis says
15 years ago
Thanks Stacy, I will fix that.
lizbdavis says
15 years ago
Thanks Maureen. Fame has always been my goal. :-)
15 years ago
congrats could you post the link to your blog?
lizbdavis says
15 years ago
15 years ago
lizbdavis says
15 years ago
Jen - Making you laugh is a reward in itself.
mindelei says
15 years ago
lizbdavis says
15 years ago
This is the post that was nominated for an award:
lizbdavis says
15 years ago
You are too kind Jen. Thanks.
misst2 says
15 years ago
Congratulations! (dance)
dmantz7 says
15 years ago
well deserved congrats!
lorisheldon says
15 years ago
catspyjamasnz says
15 years ago
Well done, Liz!
kshelton says
15 years ago
congrats. Which category?
karlyb says
15 years ago
(dance) (dance)
lizbdavis says
15 years ago
karlyb I was in the most influential post category.
bknittle says
15 years ago
Congrats Liz
dmcordell says
15 years ago
Congratulations - you deserve it!
lizbdavis says
15 years ago
Thanks Beth and Diane I"m not sure how much I really deserve it, but it was nice to be nominated.
15 years ago
15 years ago
You are very deserving! of this honor! Congratulations
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