okay, seriously, I'm not expecting anyone to get this one, so if someone does... same deal as last time with a story
Hint, the answer is a number, and the words in the riddle mean something but as a whole it doesn't mean anything
is it pie and i know it's spelled wrong
well well well And how did you come to that conclusion?
It makes sense from the magical spelling
came to you on mystic forces?
no it popped into my head
Oh, you're right. Look at the numbers of letters in each word. That's where the answer comes from. 3.1415925535 and so on
yes you get a story once i'm over my shock
want to know something there was no logic at all I didn't even really look after you said it was a number
This is from a person that *HATES* math
well then i'll be more ellusive with my hints then
she got it so fast I didn't even have a chance to read it all
I was writing my tag but still I'm impressed how fast she got it
I couldn't tell you what PI is really I mean the number sequence
me too course i guess it's fair since i'm working on you a story already
now she just has to pick a fandom and pairing
Resident evil, Rebecca chambers Albert Wesker
or vincent valentine and yuffie
i'd rather pluck my eyes out with a plastic spoon....
oh yes that's soooo much better
fine .... if i must... *shudders*
and the plot bunny for this... het
she's evil sorry I wasn't fast enough
yes i know she is she said she'd get even with us... guess i'm getting it for us both
OMG it's a male female pair
sorry that's one of yours I won't be reading as rare as that is for me
oh i don't mind male female but she always picks pairs i don't see together/like but that's okay i can still write it
uh who wrote the re story witht hem together
yeah i did but then it went way overboard and well *shrugs*
let me think what I want in something else
if you really want rebecca wesker i can it's just been sooooo long i'm afraid i'll not be able to give you a good quality or length story
and i don't want to cheat you you know i'd write it in a heartbeat if i was confident it'd come out good i've rped things i didn't care
much for so writing it isn't any different
and i can't write yuffie she's too... chipper and cheery and happy and blah