lizbdavis feels
16 years ago
nervous about interviewing Michael Horn, author of "Disrupting Class" on Wednesday. I've never done an interview before. I'm panicking :-o
latest #26
karlyb says
16 years ago
ooh, I just got that book from someone at school to read!
karlyb says
16 years ago
what kind of interview - print, audio, video?
16 years ago
A bit of panic is natural, it pushes us to prepare. I'm sure it will go well. Remember to breathe!
karlyb says
16 years ago
I'm sure you'll do great!
njtechteacher says
16 years ago
new situations are always like that for me. How did the interview come about?
tbell says
16 years ago
he is being interviewed in SL tonight
16 years ago
google "How to conduct an interview"
16 years ago
or "interview techniques"
mark hall says
16 years ago
When and how do we get to see the results?
16 years ago
Questions: What were the major influnces in your life? What do you like to read? Have you ever had a class you hated?
lizbdavis says
16 years ago
Thanks for all of the support. He is certainly on the interview circuit. I am meeting him at his office on Wednesday.
lizbdavis says
16 years ago
He works down the street from where I live. I met him this summer and we had coffee. This just feels much more official.
lizbdavis says
16 years ago
Plus he is has been interviewed so many times by so many people, I don't know if there is anything left to ask.
lizbdavis says
16 years ago
tbell, thanks for the link. I will try to listen tomorrow night, although each interview I hear makes me more nervous.
lizbdavis says
16 years ago
athorp Thorp Thanks. I know that in my mind, but I'm still nervous about it. I'm sure it will be fine.
16 years ago
not to be cliche, but just be you. We all follow you and read your stuff b/c we like u as u r. Plz try not 2 b conscientious b/c it can...
16 years ago
...cause one to filter oneself. :-P
lizbdavis says
16 years ago
clifmims thanks you are too kind. I'll just take some deep breaths and go for it.
nhill says
16 years ago
breathe in breathe are lizdavis! You will be great!!!
mhobkirk says
16 years ago
Its normal to be nervous, but I'm sure you'll do a great interview, can't wait to read about it
paulbogush says
16 years ago
Since he has already been asked and interviewed a lot about what he has done...focus on what he is going to do next.
lizbdavis says
16 years ago
paulbogush yes I'm thinking about interviewing him about all of his interviewing. I met him last June just when the book was published.
lizbdavis says
16 years ago
I'm thinking of talking to him about how his thinking has changed since then.
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