Cruel heartless person, you.
you probably have an RP character type, so you could do that meme if you wanted XD
lol I am just too practical. My computer is named computer.
RP character type...hmm. Annoying, crazy, or background dork. Some of them fit into more than one of those categories.
...Unless that's not how the meme is done. Lol. I haven't seen that one. /shrug
Tags as soon as it's possible I swear
lol can't right now but I promise I will tomorrow!
You used to! Your old laptop had a name!
you mean the desktop? yeah, you have to name those. I couldn't tell you what it was called though.
/goes to shower even though it is a wasted effort UGH I officially hate rabbits
I will be dead by the time work ends tomorrow
lol thank you. And stop being nice when I'm whining like a jerk. This whole situation happened cos I lied about my address to getthe job.
He never would have hired me if I said "moving next week" you know, but yeah time to suck it up and get paid
maybe I'll sleep on the beach on the way home or something nice like that
Just don't get arrested.

Also, no, I won't stop being nice.
Still sucks, dude. *tucks you into hypothetical bed*
Oh awesome...the 24 hour diner is closed. There go my dreams of pancakes and coffee to soothe the suck. :|
And you can't get arrested for sleeping on the beach in the daytime. only at night! I'll be going home like noon tomorrow so no problems.
Well, that's a plus at least.
Ugh I do not feel awesome... probably should have eaten or drank something since I knew sleep wasn't gonna happen
Are there no other food options...?
But I was planning on it I swear. Who knew the coffee shop would choose tonight to remodel? Or that the ihop started closing at 11? weird
pfft I could go get a bottle of water and some candy from the ABC store..which is pretty much what I'm gonna do once I stop being lazy
Better than nothing anyway.
I had to walk from downtown cos the last bus doesn't go to the mall.
/attracts drunk guys like flies to honey ugh
They always wanna tell me their life stories. I dunno why. Strangers love me. The smelly guy always sits next to me on the bus. /shrug
Man this guy has a long story
You could make up a story that you have somewhere to be...?
Nah sometimes people just need to get shit off their chests.Wish he hadn't rubbed my head though. Weirdo. damn it. Ditching plurk again, guys. Spread the word to people ho didn't see this.
Dunno if I'll bother making a ne one for a while, this is exhausting for both you guys and me.
D: How the fuck did he find you this time?