Man, I am so tired of readding you you were just gonna say that about me though, huh?
I'm never readding you ever again.
Damn. I cannot promise not to screw up in the future either because dude, I am so good at it I surprise myself.
I can only use my phone to diall 911 now.../facepalm
and it only asks me in French, Spanish and Japanese.

Welcome back!
(Also, you fanned me, so now I need friended.

Yeah, I felt like changing it up. My region is "Antonio Banderas pants" ...shame that doesn't show on the profile
(also not my fault dude, half of you got friended, half fanned. 100% depedent on your privacy settings.)
But hey I went and found a slapped icon for you guys to save you the trouble.
Grams, not in front of the other kids... /squirms
*pinches cheeks* Okay, I'll stop.
*goes to sit in the corner*
...I'm supposed to be looking for icons for myself. Instead I keep finding ones I want for Break and Yosuke.
You're still welcome to take from my collection...
There might be one or two you like...
But Yosuke really needs icons. He has space for them! And none for hanging out with Souji yet. Souji needs his owns icons okay.
And Break just makes some pretty amazing faces tbh.
I forgot, do you still need me to upload all those ones you had me save?
Well...definitely not foyoung Break, I'm not paying for userpics for that little snot.
Maybe for Yosuke, we'll see later
I might just pick out some new ones
why do you keep making new plurk names
why a new everything, i guess i should ask
no seriously is there a reason??
UGH so...used to work at a bar, and long story short...dude keeps looking me up.
Yeah sorry plurk is slow for me today!
This time I got a whole new email for my lj and junk so he won't be able to find me hopefully.
...and the phone thing was just me being retarded and pushing the wrong button
Anyway yeah. I know it's annoying, dude. I'm annoyed too. And like, busy enough in the first place that I'm just :| at this point.
Like, if you're going to be a creep can you wait until next week plz?
Thanks babe. I'll live. I am just sighing and bitching over all the work it is to change it up mostly.
'Cause that is what really matters obvs. I have to get off my fat ass and make new stuff, ARGH.
lol stop being nice to me, GOD.
Sarah was all "bitch don't do it again."


Why is it when you do things like that there is always a Break icon I want to use to respond.
Something is wrong with me.
That is helpful, Eck. Thanks man. :|
He's thousands of miles away thankfully.
/goes with "pretend he doesn't exist" instead.
....That works too I spose.
Hahaha no worries Eck, plurk is just a dick like that.
Prrrrretty much. I don't really get what he is getting out of this. /sigh
Hah. Thanks. I'm fine, just annoyed! But 100% undamaged.
:| I guess he wants to ~WIN YOU BACK~ all romantic-like.
Nnnnope, he never had me. /shrug
Then he'll ~WIN YOU~. Or he's justan ass. *thumbs up*
He wrote a whole book of poetry for one of the other bartenders. :|
There is not enough

in the world.
How'd he get your info in the first place?
Knew my email cos I used to leave my phone on the bar...I am dumb and didn't even know you could look lj accounts up like that
Ohhhh. Yeah I didn't know either and got in huge trouble with one of my friends when she found mine a few years back.
And then my plurk was connected and my AIM (which I've had for years, I am pissed!) was on one of my public plurks for someone
Dude, I set my new journal to the "don't let anyone find me" option
And registered under a new email so it shouldn't happen again
....About the setting not Eck's mom's horrible discovery
Eh Eck 1) that sucks! and 2) all the old drunks played with my phone