Camryn wonders
13 years ago
if it is excessive to align textures on a face of a prim that 1. is not exposed, 2. will be underwater and 3. will be under the terrain
latest #7
13 years ago
well, at least if anyone ever cams down to the underside of the pool, it will be pretty
P J thinks
13 years ago
attention to detail totally rocks! (rock)
13 years ago
I would do it.
13 years ago
I agree... I've been known to cam inside chimneys.
Mmw Strangelove
13 years ago
i kind of hate when i cam into a building and see the backsides of walls (that are not visible usually) covered in building grid. :-)
Ceejay Writer
13 years ago
Not excessive. As things rezz, sometimes you see the innards. Why not let them not distract as they build?
13 years ago
good, I am reassured, lol
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