Ali Moxie
13 years ago
notes, if working in cubicle do not go through divorce.
latest #8
13 years ago
no privacy when taking calls from your attorney?
13 years ago
or maybe your cube farm neighbor is having the issue?
Ali Moxie
13 years ago
I am not going through a divorce; the guy in the cube next to my office is. It does not sound like fun.
NineWarrhol says
13 years ago
man i never get to hear juicy stuff like that at my work.
Ali Moxie
13 years ago
he sent me this e-mail "my wife is leaving me and going to Texas with my daughter I wont let it affect my work, blah, blah" I totally felt
Ali Moxie
13 years ago
bad, etc, etc. I over here "this is all because I wouldn't let her talk to her ex-boyfriend online" and I realize there is really something
Ali Moxie
13 years ago
else going on there.
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