you don't have to wait for anyone else just type random word or sentences
why did the chicken cross the road?
How many chucks would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood?
he saw a pink elephant juggling three people?
Sam, Sam the baker man.......
what is the meaning of life?
the meaning of life is to eat pie
could I have more ketchup on my eggs?
maybe you would like ketchup on your pie.
(We actually eat them that way
But not pie, we don't eat ketchup on pie.
yum ketchup and apple pie with cheese on top
how shall we destroy you? with bombs or feather dusters?
Dolphins are good. You find them in cans marked "tuna"
I'm gonna drop you like a bad habit.
Oh, yeah... I'm gonna PET a dolphin. (No ketchup needed.)
if i had a piece of pie i would ask for apple
if i had a piece of apple pie i would ask for cheddar cheese
if i had cheddar cheese i would ask for a fork
if i had a fork i would eat the apple pie with cheddar cheese on tyop
ouch, Charlie. Ouch! OUCH!!!!!!!! Charle bit me!!!
(luv that video!!! have ya seen it? tis awesome!)
love, love, love, love, crazy love...
Van Morrison - great musician.
Buddhism originated in Africa. Guess they didn't like it cuz now it's mainly in Asia...
Once upon a time, a rabbit came up to me. . .and bit my knee!!!
Why?Why?Why me? Why can't it be them???????????????????????????????????????
my fingernails r purrrrrrrdy
apple, o apple, y must u be red?
pumpkin pie is my favorite topping on whipped cream
with or without just a touch of crust on top??
all this for "flaming jello?? wow
its a song im listening to
I think Tom has sung that one a time or two.
i love that song. i used to sing it so much my fam basically banned me from singing/humming/playing that song at all.
jack: i love this game!!!
actually its not really a game, but its WAY fun!!!
Elmo: jack: i love this game!!
tongues popped into my head after i saw frogs
I am not qualified to say what I am saying.
I don't know... it was a random thought i guess
I wonder if I know what I'm doing.
My days are numbered. Just like the toaster's.
i need an upside down "e"
I said, how are you ok? When I should have said how are you? Ok?
causing great surprise or wonder; astonishing : *an amazing number of people registered* | *it is amazing how short your memory is*.
funny thing is that I understood it the first way too
INFORMAL: startlingly impressive : *she makes the most amazing cakes*
When I plurked response #93, I was not talking to anyone. It was a random plurk.
adverb : [ sentence adverb ] *amazingly*, *Alan escaped with a few cuts and bruises* | [as submodifier ] *an amazingly good idea*
verb [ trans. ] (often *be amazed* ) surprise (someone) greatly; fill with astonishment : *he was AMAZED AT how modern everything was* |
I'm fine! please stop asking me if I'm ok!
[ trans. ] *she was AMAZED THAT Paul should notice her* | [as adj. ] (AMAZED) *she shook her head in amazed disbelief*
Elmo, where are you getting these? the dashboard perhaps?
Old English *āmasian*, of unknown origin.
wow. i think we should stop soon. we've doubled the number of responses since gage and i got on
how is this possible? I wonder if it's weird.
all I have to say about this plurk is: WOW!
hmm wow Jack! i think i want to make a random word game too!! lol, i bet ur karma's up!
"ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! I get it! do you?" "of course I get it, i'm suprised you did!" *the secound person leaves.*
(first person turns) "wat were they talking about?" third person:"NO IDEA!"
man no wonder Jon has is banana back. you guys are GREAT at plurking random responses..
Long Live Random Responses or RR's for sohrt!
not to be confused with railroads of course!
Hello, goodbye, tomorrow, today yesterday
I think we all have a new disease called "Plurkitis
Usually Elmo, people are not so happy to have a disease however this one is FUN!!
yes it is!!
i thought of something earlier that i coule plurk but i forgot wut it was dang it
*grasp* oh could it be!? that the choc bunny was made . .just. . for . . ME!!!!!
there are none so blind as those who will not see.
If you'll be m-i-n-e- mine, I'll be t-h-i-n-e thine.
my bologna has a first name
My social security number is -pi to the -2 power +5-8{8-9+2/(2 squared-3)+negative 3}.
his yo-o-oke is eeeee-e-e-e- e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-easy, and his buuuuuuuurthen is liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
random weirdos! I am gonna call the men in white!'
HELP! i need somebody, HELP! not just anybody, HELP! ya know, i need someone, HE-E-ELP!!!!!
you better yell, they coming for you elmo!
When i was younger, so much younger than today, I never needed anybody's help in anyway! But these days are gone, I'm not so self assured.
Now I find I've changed my mind
I've opened up the doors
Help me if you can, I'm feeling down
And I do appreciate you being 'round
Help me get my feet back on the ground
Won't you please, please help me
And now my life has changed in oh, so many ways
My independence seems to vanish in the haze But every now and then I feel so insecure I know that I just need you like Ive never done before
aaaahhhhhhhh! a monster smiley!!
bum bum be da-bum bum be-dum bum
I don't want to talk to you anymore you empty headed animal food trough waterer.....
i like whipped cream
"I'm a bald bunny aint got no fur, i'm a bald bunny, BRR BRR BRR! i'm a bald bunny, look kind of silly! i'm a bald bunny. . ." (Veggietales)
hmmm i dont know that one
ummm i really don't kno. Jonah i think? cuz i got it off a Jonah CD! its on my ipod, cuz its just that sweet!
we dont have that one but we have a bunch of others!! actually, i dont think we do anymore. mom brought them to shine yesterday.
oh no! no more veggietales!!! i totally want a veggietale cd that has like ALL the songs on it!!!!
I said my pants is filled with flaaaming jello! Said my pants is filled with flaaaming jello. Said my pants, is filled, with flaaaming jello
Said my pants is filled with flaaaaaaaaaaaming jello!
Veggie Tales is awesome. (I don't know about the bald bunny song being on Jonah - we have Jonah and I don't think I've ever heard that song
Jake, throw another log on the fire. It's freeeeezing in here!
o wheeeeere is by hair brush, o wheeeeeeeeeeere is my hair brush, o where o where o where o where o where o where o where o wheeeeeeeeeere
Can't see the sun therefore can't find the hairbrush!
I barely need a hairbrush anymore.
Whale-E, how I miss that guy. He used to pick on me a lot though...
washable, durable cover with expanding library spine.
I think that there are just not enough vegitables in the world to get the job done.
(NOOOOOOOOOOOOO RAREKat!! NOT PURPLE!!!!!!!!) (wheren't you there when me n Ike were playing Swap at the retreat!?)
(is that wat its called?)
NOOOOOOOO! She must be doing it to torture us! Evil quakes in fear as the sight of purple *shivers*
PURPLE PURPLE PURPLE PURPLE PURPLE PURPLE PURPLE PURPLE ok i gotta stop now, thats a hard word to type over and over.
lol tom and annie are goign to dislike you now!!
ya i know but i couldnt resist
purple ...........apples!
new word! and it's random!
Chuck Norris would rather fall off a building then SEE. . .(must i say it!) purple!
(Emma, i can't believe you did that!)
LOL!! srry, i couldnt help myself
The Monster at the end of this Book. Starring Lovable, Furry Old Grover.
This is a very dull page. What is on the next page?
WHAT DID THAT SAY? On the first page, what did that say? Did that say there will be a Monster at the end of this book???
IT DID? Oh, I am so scared of Monsters!!
[next page] SHHHH Listen, I have and idea. If you do not turn any pages, we will never get to the end of this book. And that is good,
because there is a Monster at the end of this book. (so please do not turn the page)
[next page] Maybe you do not understand. You see, turning pages will bring us to the end of thi book, and there is a Monster at the end of
...but THIS will stop you from turning pages. See? I am tying the pages together so you cannot...
[next page] YOU TURNED ANOTHER PAGE! You do not know what you are doing to me! now...STOP TURNING PAGES!
[next page] THERE! I, Grover, am nailing this page to the next one so that you will not be able to turn it, and we will not get any closer
to the Monster at the end of this book. *bonk bam bing klonk bonk bing*
[next page] ALL RIGHT! ALL RIGHT! ALL RIGHT! Do you know that every time you turn the page... you not only get us closer to the Monster at
the end of this book, but you make a Terrible Mess!
[next page] THIS will stop you from turning pages. A heavy, thick, solid, strong BRICK WALL. I would just like to see ou TRY to turn this
*from under a pile of bricks Grover says* Do you know that you are very strong?
[next page] The next page is the end of this book, and there is a MONSTER at the end of this book. Oh, I am so SCARED! PLEASE do not turn
the page. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE * turning page*
Well, look at that! This is the end of the book, and the only one here is... ME. I, lovable, furry old Grover, am the Monster at the end
And you were so SCARED! I told you and told you there was nothing to be afraid of. THE END
[next page] (Oh, I am so embarrassed)
there jack, that should give u some karma!
hahahha sweet story!!!!
shall i put the other one on?
Another Monster At The End Of This Book.
grover: starring lovable, furry old GROVER
elmo: and equally lovable, furry little ELMO
[title page] grover: Another monster at the end of this book? OH< NO! Another monster? We will NOT go any farther in this book!
elmo: But Elmo LOVES monsters, mister grover. Turn the page, please.
[next page] grover:ELMO, I am NOT going to the end of this book if there is a monster there! Monsters are not to be trifled with. I am
going to stay right here on the first page.
elmo: Ok, Mister Grover. ELMO will go see the monster all by himself. Turn the page please. *turning page*
WILL YOU PLEASE STOP TURNING PAGES! Every time you turn a page we get closer to the MONSTER at the end of this book. ELMO, come with me.
We are going home NOW! ELMO? ELMO? Where are you?
[next page] ELMO, do you not understand tat at the end of this book there is a MONSTER? It could be a nice, furry Monster like you or me or
Cookie or Herry. But it could also be a very BIG, SCARY, HUNGRY MONSTER with sharp teeth and claws and an ATTITUDE!
THEREFORE, I am putting these hundreds of paper clips here just to remind you that we are not going to the end of this book!
elmo: Yes, Mister Grover. Turn the page, please. *turning page*
grover: ALL RIGHT! NO MORE MISTER NICE GUY! I have now taken all you alphabet blocks and built a CASTLE right here! NO ONE can turn this
elmo: *sings* Turny, turny, turn, turn...
[next page] grover: ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! I, Grover, am now GLUING this page down so you CANNOT turn it. And if you cannot turn the page we
will not get to the monster that is at the end of this book!
elmo: do it. *turning page*
grover: ELMO, PLEASE, PLEASE forget about seeing the monster at the end of this book and come back with me to the beginning of the book.
elmo: little Elmo wants to see the monster. Turn the page. *turning page*
grover: THIS will stop you from turning pages! I, Grover, have put up a THICK, STEEL WALL so no one can EVER turn this page. What do you
say to that, little elmo? ELMO? ELMO? Where are you elmo?
elmo: ELMO is on the next page. *turning page*
grover: All right. We will go see the monster. But just one little peek. Listen carefully. You tiptoe around to the back of the book...
(now i shall leave u hanging.
anyway, back to the story....
grover: ...When i say "turn the page." you jump in from the back of the book and I will jump in from the front. We will see the monster and
then we will run like bunny rabbits!
[next page] grover: are you at the back of the book, little elmo?
elmo: Yes, mister grover.
grover: Then, here we go! ONE...TWO... Get ready to turn the page and run like a bunny rabbit...THREE!!! TURN THE PAGE!
[the next page shows grover coming from the left and elmo from the right. they look at each other and scream: AIIIEEEE!!!!
[next page] I never thought that the monster at the end of the book would be YOU, LITTLE ELMO.
elmo: No, no, mister grover, YOU are the monster at the end of this book. I SAW YOU!
[next page] grover: Where are you going?
elmo: Elmo is going back two pages to see the monster again.
hahahhahaahahha!!!! now did you make these up!? or get it off a elmo show! lol
no these are real books we have. i brought them to the shine thanksgiving potluck. lol jake and i made luke read both out loud, it was
nuh uh! 14,598,743,059,456,273,469,834,563,293,846,234,583,945,639,210,562,730,572,937,562,391,053,781,638,592,612,850,115,638,295,656,592
Shakes head, poor child, maybe someday she will understand the importance of jk!
the rain in spain stays mainly on the plain.
ahhhhhhh i wish i could have seen that! lol i bet it WAS funny!!!!
ohhhhhhh i luv that play!
(i do believe that jon could be Jake Hollow again if he wanted after all these comments!
jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!!!!
supercalifraglisticexpealydoshice! (i memorized the spelling at one time, but can't quite remember now!)
who wants me to type the saprano's part in one of the songs in the messiah?
nvm, not gonna do it. id have it stuck in my head again and those songs r really hard to get out of ur head!!!
not when you sing VEGGIETALES to get it out!!!
this is true, on the way home from the messiah i sang the lip song and that got it out but then i had the lip song suck
It's the most wonderful time of the year!
anything with a tail is a monkey! and anything without a tail is an ape!
(sang in the veggietale tune!)
really i think its the coldest time of the year
poking games with jon, lys, n james!
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
dizzy! im so dizzy my head is spinnin, like a whirlpool it never ends
srry, no one had responded to this in a while so i went to jon's profile and found it
I am not sorry. Just lost.
its not like i even need to be competing with unreality tv fantasy not for a smart girl like me
who am i? my name is Ish!
some times its hard to be a one girl revoulution
revolutions make me dizzy.
(jack!!! where are you?!?!?!
play that funky music
bum bum be-da-dum bum be-dum bum
I have all went gone for you have some cake it when I could see ears.
guess wut? the star is you!
lets put on our rain boots!!!!!
Sorry I missed you. Stand still next time.
Hoss, she means: If you got any smarter you'd be the 2nd dumbest man on earth! and i'm lookin at the first!
The Game of Life
im running out of random things to say
How can you run out of random stuff... it's RANDOM!
I got a wallet. That guy gave it to me.
my purse was stolen in 1977. How old were you then?
(I wasn't alive.)
me either
grr ellen!!! i lost the game!! (are you talking about "THE GAME" or somthing else??)
you guys all amaze me. I left for ohio on Dec 5 and there were hardly ANY responses on here. I come back and ther eis over 400!! WOW
i lost the game too. shame on u guys
i lost the game of tetris last night 5x!
jake. . .i will pretend u didn't say the P-word.
So is this helping Jonathan get some more karma so he can change his name again?
Am I supposed to understand this "I lost the game" thing?
I keep losing the game thanks to elmo and jakey!!!
Kate, "The Game" is goofy. You try to NOT think of "the game", and if you think of "the game" you loose the game, and you have to announce
that you've lost the game.
Ummm...I'm confused.
grrrrrrr stop making me lose the game!!!!!!
of course as soon as someone mentions that he or she LOST the game. doesn't that in turn make EVERYONE lose the game. since now taht you
mentioned it they are all thinking of "the game"
yes, exactly. thats why we keep loosing the game (like i did right now) because ppl keep talking about it!!!!!
anyway, mom forgot to mention that after you have lost the game, it starts all over again in half an hour
I don't know about you - but I don't have a hairbrus
GROSS are you a nurse or something??? You'd fit in with us ..right Momma Ninja?
wut a bright time its a swell time to rock the night away! jingle bell time....
That's the Jingle Bell Rock!!!!
i have a little ditty stuck in my head. shall i hum if for you all?
Lulu kisses my brother.
i got perfect piggies!!!!!
just trying to revive the random word game
I would ask for cheddar cheese
If I had apple pie with cheese on top
still don't think that would be good.
. . . Dont knock it till you try it
im willing to try it if i could get ahold of apple pie
(why have i not seen this one til now? like it hasn't should up that anyone wrote on it til now? weird!)
bunnies don't like being eaten by dogs (as i hear)
bunnies don't like chicken wire.
bunnies don't like jumpin-jack-rabbits
bunnies like easter eggs.....but
bunnies do not come from eggs
bunnies like the color orange
bunnies bunnies bunnies did you know..
that i like bunnies!
I wonder if the fact that my age is less than 200 has anything to do with the fact that i am alive.
barking barking barking barking... make it STOP!!!
no I have to save that for the kids.
tape doesn't work well on dogs... too much hair
cold water in a squirt bottle eventually she will figure it out.
yup, that'a what we always did with house cats. Works good!
french bagette
"It started out as a feeling!!! Wich then turned into a hope...."~Prince Caspian!
Hey Jack can you restart this plurk. so it doesn't take so long to process?
Here's a two there's a two everywere a
JON! don't LEAVE! you need to make a Random Word Game #2!!!!!
Edmund (FYI, we're on Random Word Game lol)
Ed is my fav on Prince Caspian!
O.o a random word game two?
yes YES yes!!! plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz jack!
five hundred forty five!!
Seriously, this game needs to be restarted. It takes FAR too long to load.
it doesn't really take that long to load does it? I think it cool to see that many responses on here
WEll, sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't - it depends on whether plurk is being nice at the time.
Earlier it was taking FOREVER
but this evening it didn't take very long at all.
it takes forever sometimes just to load one with no responses.. Plurk is very messed up sometimes
pretty purple pocket protectors
pretty purple pocket protectors protect paranoid peoples pockets.
peter pipper picked a pack of pickled peppers if peter pipper picked a pack of pickled peppers how many pickled peppers didpeter pipper pick
do you mean the "castle of Aauuuggghh"
ohhhhhh, some sailors went to sea sea sea to see what they could see see see but all that they could see see see was the bottom of the ..
..deep blue sea sea sea!!!!! see?
(seriously, bacon? you don't get it?)
uff ta...BQ Meet this weekend
practice, practice, practice!
Junior Mints....with caramel!
Where in the World is Carmen San Diego?
"i always wanted a son. but i wanted one a little younger than myself"
Tra la la, la la la la, tra la la, la la la la......
one banana, two banana, three banana, four......
four bananas make a bunch of many many more...........
something is shaking the phone
floppin' like a pancake, la la la la la (can't remember this part) Fleegel, Bingle, Drooper and Snork.
any other "old timers" out there remember that song? It's from a Saturday morning cartoon.
jake! that was way back there!!! dont tell me u read everything since then!!!!
(and i lost too
whahahahahahaahhhaahahaa i'm a rabid squirrel
Hey hey we're the Monkeys......
People say we Monkey around!
i know that song, really i do, well kinda. i know wut song ur talking about at least. lol
We're too busy singin', to put anybody down.....
We're just tryin' to be friendly.....
(I didn't figure that anyone below 45 would know that song)
Well, some of us have parents that made us watch that show...
and some of us have parents who sing that song a lot
I know the Monkey's song and I used to watch that show too. I liked them both