margalit asks
16 years ago
Do you like snarky blogs?
latest #7
Ddaisy says
16 years ago
Not usually. It's fun at first, but snarkiness wears thin.
16 years ago
on occasion - if it is what the writer is feeling
Sir Big Papa
16 years ago
same as justjen... ifit appears they are working at it... absolutely not
Sir Big Papa
16 years ago
if it comes easily and is not offensive... then I enjoy it
16 years ago
my last blog was definitely snarky - but with a purpose
margalit says
16 years ago
I'm terrible at snark. I can't write it to save my life, and I always feel terrible for the people they're snarky about.
16 years ago
as long as you don't snark with malice then there is nothing to worry about
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