Squalo? Lonely? =\ alright. I'll buy it.
*ducks out of this Plurk like woah* O.O
Don't sweat it kid. That's just the brat that took the title of Vongola X from Xanxus.
All I can think is: "Sucks to be him"
He's not *as bad* grown up at least. Boss has a slight amount of respect for the brat.
Just really fucking annoying most of the time.
Hah. Annoying. You know what I bet'll annoy him? Me suddenly knowing what the hell all of that cryptic shit he mutters is about.
I'm probably inviting pain just by being amused at the thought...
Also a high chance there.
Maybe the thought of amusement wins out over the fear of getting pistol-whipped into next week.
Amusement always wins. Then again I'm considered a fucking masochist for how long I've stayed with him already.
Have to agree with you there, man.
As long as it's worth it in the end. And it usually is.
Huh... worth it. Yeah. Yeah it is.
Even through the emotional fucking trauma.
Seriously, sometimes I WISH Josh would hit me instead of fucking with my head.
I hate fuckers like that. Who's Josh?
Josh is... Well. Remember how I said the two people I know who are here would be my murderer and a psyco?
Also kinda my friend. I guess.
Shit like that happens sometimes. Situations change things.
Yeah. Doesn't make the bastard much more tolerable. He's an insufferable wise-ass pretty boy.
Sounds like he could use a good ass kicking at least.
Ass kicking? Good luck with that. I'm pretty sure that nobody exists who can actually do that. ... I think he has his reasons, anyway.