lizstrauss is
16 years ago
still writing her ebook and feeling good about that!
latest #36
Craig Wilson says
16 years ago
whats the topic Liz?
16 years ago
the 6 Ways (Traits really) of how to write a Successful and Outstanding Blog. It's the first of a few. I think
16 years ago
Kmunse I'm determined to meet my goal of done by the weekend.
16 years ago
I'm on your writing voice now.
remarkablogger says
16 years ago
What are you doing here? Get back to work! (whipcrack sounds) ;-)
servantofchaos says
16 years ago
I am jealous ... had my own ebook project that has fallen by the wayside
Craig Wilson says
16 years ago
i was thinking of writing an e-book about how to write e-books
lisasabinwilson says
16 years ago
best of luck, Liz - I'm sure you'll do great and it will be a hit :-) can't wait to read it!
JonathanFields says
16 years ago
Trait as cool as Liz! Trait #2-6...see trait #1! (s_music)
16 years ago
remarkablogger Curses, I thought I was under the radar here!
16 years ago
servantofchaos, if helps any, this one has been half done for about two years.
16 years ago
mediahunter You should. Lots of folks are intimidated by the idea.
16 years ago
lisasabinwilson Thanks! How's Dummies 2!! (K)
lisasabinwilson says
16 years ago
it's getting there! My second deadline is Monday. Should be done by early July :-)
16 years ago
Thank you for your belief in me.
Craig Wilson says
16 years ago
I would Liz, but I think I will wait til the movie comes out
KDFrawg 🐸 says
16 years ago
go lizstrauss, go!
KDFrawg 🐸 says
16 years ago
he has found that writing books (fiction, anyway) is not that hard. What is hard is selling them.
davenavarro says
16 years ago
keep on rocking
16 years ago
kdfrawg you should read the novel I have about Larry and the dog
16 years ago
davenavarro I'm doing real writing it might be too writerly
KDFrawg 🐸 says
16 years ago
Perhaps I should, lizstrauss.
KDFrawg 🐸 says
16 years ago
he will trade you larry and the dog for a thriller set in Geneva. :-)
16 years ago
I'd have to fix Chapter 23 first
KDFrawg 🐸 says
16 years ago
So, when you have a chance, fix chapter 23.
agentsully says
16 years ago
Good luck Liz. I know that it takes longer than you think to write a book. My short one took me longer than it should have. But I'm hoping
agentsully says
16 years ago
the next one goes way faster.
agentsully says
16 years ago
Is it just me or is Plurk a little easier to use than twitter?
KDFrawg 🐸 says
16 years ago
well, plurk is much more fun that Twitter.
KDFrawg 🐸 says
16 years ago
my first book (120,000 wds) took 14 months. My second (100,000 wds) too 5 months. Both novels.
lizstrauss says
16 years ago
My novel took about 3 months for the first draft. Then the world interrupted.
agentsully says
16 years ago
kdfrawg- what are your novels' titles?
KDFrawg 🐸 says
16 years ago
Geneva Mode and To the Stars (the second is a working title)
tojosan is
16 years ago
anxious to read a chapter or two.
lizstrauss says
16 years ago
Revamping the whole ebook idea since yesterday. :-)
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