jinnjinn feels
14 years ago
sad when you said you fall in love with someone else :'-( but I am satisfy that I can get to know you as my friend.
latest #20
终生天蝎[♏]Hamyu™ says
14 years ago
siapa siapa z???
jinnjinn says
14 years ago
someone that only can be friends forever (:
终生天蝎[♏]Hamyu™ says
14 years ago
hu z??? tell me lar hehehe
jinnjinn says
14 years ago
don't want. secret!
终生天蝎[♏]Hamyu™ says
14 years ago
yerrr.. evil ><
jinnjinn says
14 years ago
wah.. like that also consider evil. He really very good der. Kind, responsible, presentable etc... like him
终生天蝎[♏]Hamyu™ says
14 years ago
hahaha nvm lar.. btr 1 will b out there.. or u go rampas hahhaa
jinnjinn says
14 years ago
cannot lar... i think that girl must be very pretty. If not, he also will not love her ler... yea, better one. Slowly find ler :-(
终生天蝎[♏]Hamyu™ says
14 years ago
cheh.. u dun even knw d gurl y u think u will lose leh?? haha.... ya.. slow slow lar... u still young ^^
jinnjinn says
14 years ago
lol... he is those type of guy that believe in fate. So no matter how, in all aspect also she is perfect to him. I am just sad..ntg
终生天蝎[♏]Hamyu™ says
14 years ago
hahaha evy1 is sumthing so dun sad ^^
jinnjinn says
14 years ago
aiyar... you also know how to sad will sad for a few days ler. So now call me not to be sad quite hard ler. Next week will not want to
jinnjinn says
14 years ago
join him for dinner luu... see him more make me more nge se tak but I cannot do anything.
终生天蝎[♏]Hamyu™ says
14 years ago
lagi die like tat.. must face it dun avoid ... avoid is d worst solution
jinnjinn says
14 years ago
i don't want ler. The more I see him, the more I feel nge se tak ler. I scare I tears in front of him. Yesterday I feel very happy with him
终生天蝎[♏]Hamyu™ says
14 years ago
u will feel worse if u dun face him nw.... later when accumulate den u will go nuts ><
jinnjinn says
14 years ago
but i scare go dinner with him.. really will feel nge se tak. He is such a sweetheart
终生天蝎[♏]Hamyu™ says
14 years ago
nge se tak nw.. den later...if u delay it will oli go worse
jinnjinn says
14 years ago
won't der lar... not yet start. Just sad that when he said he fall in love with her ady..So fast. Lst week he told me that it is
jinnjinn says
14 years ago
not possible. And he is happy enough that that girl know his existance. But just now, he say he love her mar.
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