LauraAshleyPhotography has
15 years ago
voted for McCain/Palin in MsSpringsteen's mini election
latest #60
LauraAshleyPhotography says
15 years ago
I don't think so. I haven't heard....
LauraAshleyPhotography says
15 years ago
yes. thats what i was thinking. i even googled it. no where.
LauraAshleyPhotography says
15 years ago
to be found
LauraAshleyPhotography says
15 years ago
Yes. Thats true. NC early voting is Oct 16 someone said yesterday.
blaztek says
15 years ago
Early voting? How's that work?
blaztek says
15 years ago
Oh, I see. I looked it up for Indiana and it started Oct 6th.
Heather says
15 years ago
actually you just have to be registered by the 4th and then go by one of the early voting sites
blaztek says
15 years ago
In Plurk, I think Obama (sp?) is winning.
blaztek says
15 years ago
Hmmm, if I work for 12 hours on 11/4, I can vote today.... wondering if it's worth it....
blaztek says
15 years ago
I think it's that no votes have been tallied yet.
blaztek says
15 years ago
True... but just because you vote doesn't mean you have to tell people who you voted for.
Heather says
15 years ago
ragavin: I agree all should vote but uninformed voting is pretty annoying also
Heather says
15 years ago
even if they were to vote for my candidate i'd rather those that don't pay attention not vote
blaztek says
15 years ago
That's why I only vote for what I know. If I know nothing about it (like judges), I just leave the lights blinking and cast anyway.
blaztek says
15 years ago
Always voting for the underdog.... that's cool. Would you vote for libertarian or independent parts?
blaztek says
15 years ago
LauraAshleyPhotography says
15 years ago
just go to the early voting place, state your name and address and they let you vote! thats what im going to do...
LauraAshleyPhotography says
15 years ago
im for mccain srry.
LauraAshleyPhotography says
15 years ago
and yes. it is. i get to vote on the 16th - 30th i belive. not waiting in line for hrs. yay!
Murphy ! says
15 years ago
go Nader
15 years ago
Nader/Gonzales '08!!!! (woot)
blaztek says
15 years ago
So, in this election, is a vote for Nader really a vote for McCain?
15 years ago
a vote for nader is a vote for nader (angry) i hate when people said it was/is a vote for bush/nader
15 years ago
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