phatmommy is
16 years ago
going to start designing web sites again. Who needs a job done?
latest #7
CrunchyCarpets says
16 years ago
I think my dh is still looking for a designer and I would love a revamp of CC but don't have the budget
beagooddad says
16 years ago
I would love to have my site redone but probably won't spend the money on it next month. Do you have a portfolio site/page?
oogabooga says
16 years ago
yeah what i one of your site's names?
oogabooga says
16 years ago
it would be cool if you could redo the front page of!
oogabooga says
16 years ago
it needs to be redone it is just not inviting it looks like a search engine
16 years ago
i need help with my etsy store.
16 years ago
you are opening a whole can of oh my freakin gawd!!
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