16 years ago
wonders why people she doesn't know ask her to do hours of work for them for free.
latest #12
BarbaraKB loves
16 years ago
Liz's question & encourages her to believe in: just say no.
16 years ago
I always answer "Are you asking to hire me?
Tim Jackson says
16 years ago
because they don't know her yet and know how painful said question could be?
MisterBoh says
16 years ago
because they're not looking at you as a person, but as a car.
KDFrawg 🐸 says
16 years ago
If you find out, let me know. MisterBoh may be exactly correct.
16 years ago
I don't think they're looking at me at all. They're looking at their own needs.
KDFrawg 🐸 says
16 years ago
lizstrauss - 100% correct, again. They are.
16 years ago
I blame rampant asshatery.
16 years ago
it's because people always ask us to do things. They assume because you are online and share some stuff, as in blog, you'll share it all.
MamaMia says
16 years ago
hi Liz, thanks for inviting me to plurk.
MamaMia says
16 years ago
i'm still exploring it and i hope soon, i'll master this as well. :-D
16 years ago
I'm trying to think of a button that says "This Blogger for Hire" we could all post in our sidebar
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