Amon is
14 years ago
ex-plurking... has been fun.. keep up the funny lines (highfive)
latest #17
helllloooo (dance)
Sevenstar Amat
14 years ago
oh noooo
Sevenstar Amat
14 years ago
just freeze the account
Sevenstar Amat
14 years ago
you must not delete!
wait aminute here???!!! ur not talkign about DELETING plurk!!!! :-o NOOOOOOOO don't do it!!! ull regret it trust me on this one (cozy)
Miss Smart Ass
14 years ago
nooooo, don't delete account! Just freeze the karma and take a break!
yes freeze karma take a break do NOT delete!!! '
Sevenstar Amat
14 years ago
a break is good from time to time, you will regret deleting it sooner or later
h ULee Weener
14 years ago
? i froze for like months, if you need a break take it we will still be here when you come back and know you are missed
yes i still have my karma frozen right now & it made me feel better... i don't plurk as much as before-i do feel like i'm missing a lot but
at least i can always pick it up when i am able to... plurk has soem wonderful very valuable friends here for me (cozy)
Sevenstar Amat
14 years ago
mine is frozen since 4 weeks
h ULee Weener
14 years ago
i prefer it when plurking is just for fun not for karma and when i feel i get to that place again ill freeze again
Sevenstar Amat
14 years ago
yeah Ulee, the same here.
Sevenstar Amat
14 years ago
I would also never delete my Avatar
Sevenstar Amat
14 years ago
maybe Sevenstar gets an SL granny one day
Sevenstar Amat
14 years ago
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