ejcooksey wonders
16 years ago
if there is a cure for 9 year old teenage wannabe drama queens? I really need it for my daughter! (s_LOL)
latest #13
Chell Bell says
16 years ago
yeah, the cure only takes place once they hit 27 though...
LidiaAnain says
16 years ago
I cannot relate because I only have boys but the stories I hear from my business partner about his 9yr old preteen are hilarious!
ejcooksey says
16 years ago
(woot) Don't know if I can last 11 more years of this. Everything is a major drama! I made the mistake of asking her to clean her room...
16 years ago
no cure - my granddaughter just turned 10 last week, and she still has it.
ejcooksey says
16 years ago
her dad just called and talked to her and she is all sweet and nice. I swear the girl is possesed!
plurkmoms says
16 years ago
I was very much that way at that age! Idk how my mom can find it in her heart to still love me after what I put her through from 8-19!
Matt Siltala says
16 years ago
got an 8 year old one myself - have not found the cure yet...sorry
barryeee+ says
16 years ago
She won't die of it, but you might want to before she grow out of it.
16 years ago
Very simple solution: Reality. Make her have to deal with all the created drama, ignore her like drama queen adults get ignored, etc.
16 years ago
My daughter throws an unholy fit about something, I inform her that she has now lost privileges for one evening. She does it again, a 2nd.
Allan has
16 years ago
:-& 4 daughters between the ages of 16 and 21 - thinks it may be called purgatory, if not hell..
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