Arthur is
14 years ago
latest #81
Gilbert thinks
14 years ago
that dangerous.
14 years ago
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Oh, hello. Dinner will be ready shortly."
Matthew thinks
14 years ago
if he just puts some maple syrup on it, it will taste fine!
14 years ago
doesn't want dinner if Arthur's cooking it.
Arthur says
14 years ago
"What's with the faces? I'm sure it will turn out fine; it always does."
Francis thinks
14 years ago
Arthur should stop cooking.
14 years ago
Arthur says
14 years ago
"I'm sure you'll enjoy this." Even though there's smoke coming out of the kitchen.
Matthew thinks
14 years ago
he won't get any better if he doesn't at least practice...
14 years ago
gags. "Non, I think not."
14 years ago
stares at the smoke. "...Nien, I would rather starve."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Nonsense! You mustn't starve yourself, and a good host always feeds his guests."
14 years ago
raises an eyebrow. "With you cooking? You would be killing your guests."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Nobody has died from my cooking; I myself eat it every day, and I'm still alive."
14 years ago
"That is because you have no taste buds."
14 years ago
snaps back. "I do have taste buds, and they say my food is delicious!"
14 years ago
snorted. "They must be screwed up taste buds then."
Arthur says
14 years ago
, "I believe yours are the ones that are screwed up, Snail-Eater."
14 years ago
shook his head. "Non, my cuisine is some of the best in the world~"
14 years ago
looks at him funny. "You can't possibly believe that."
14 years ago
blinks nodding. "Of course I do~ So does half of the world~"
Arthur says
14 years ago
"What half of the world?"
14 years ago
"Dunno~ but I know my food is famous over in America~"
Arthur says
14 years ago
"You mean, the same nation that considers hamburgers a delicacy? Congratulations -- your cooking is right on par with hamburgers."
14 years ago
rolled his eyes. "Non not like that. I mean as a fine dining establishment~ Italy's food is pretty well known too~"
Arthur says
14 years ago
"That doesn't surprise me, but seriously, yours?"
14 years ago
The fire alarm goes off. "Now, if you'll excuse me, dinner is finished cooking."
14 years ago
runs to the kitchen and brings out what is anybody's guess; its only distinguishing feature is that it's jet black and smoking.
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Dinner is served." He puts portions in front of his guests and himself.
14 years ago
snorted. "You see, normal *good* food, should not have to set the fire alarm off..." He made a face looking at the charred food.
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Whether or not it sets off the fire alarm is not an indication of whether or not it's good. Now, eat up before it gets cold."
14 years ago
glared at the stuff on his plate, and picked up a fork and started poking at it. "Mon Dieu... its as hard as a rock..."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"I do admit, it's a bit tough, but it will be worth it once you sink your teeth into it."
14 years ago
looked up at him. "You are crazy if you call *this* burnt thing good cooking."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"It's still better than your snails."
14 years ago
blinked at him, then looked down at whatever was sitting on his plate. "Non... I do think this is *far* worse. What is this anyways?" -
14 years ago
he was almost afraid to ask.
Arthur says
14 years ago
"I'm not surprised you wouldn't know that it's meat pie."
14 years ago
looked down at it, raising an eyebrow. "Meat pie...? This looks like a lump of coal."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"That is where you're wrong. Go ahead; cut it open." Even though the inside is no better.
14 years ago
"If... you are saying the inside is no better... then that means there is something wrong with this food."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"I never said that. In fact, the inside may be even better." ((The spoken part ended with "cut it open.))
14 years ago
[orz;;; I fail at reading tonight ] He snorted trying to cut the burnt so called *meat pie* open to check it out.
14 years ago
((It's okay.)) He says, "As you can see, it's perfectly normal food."
14 years ago
got his knife stuck. "Oi, so perfect that I can't cut through it." he rolled his eyes.
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Just as expected from a wimp."
14 years ago
struggles greatly but manages to cut his. "It just takes a bit of muscle."
14 years ago
snorts. After a few minutes he finally cut the darn thing, exposing a nasty burnt smell coming from inside. "Oi... I am not eating this."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"And what exactly is wrong with it?" He finally gives up on formalities and eats it, enjoying it as if it was actually edible.
14 years ago
cringes a little watching him actually eat this *thing* "What is wrong with it? What isnt wrong with it is what you should be asking."
14 years ago
continues eating it, though making sure not to talk with "food" in his mouth. "It tastes all right to me."
14 years ago
almost can't watch him eat this. "...There is something wrong with this..."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Indeed; it's not in your stomach."
14 years ago
14 years ago
((Thank you ^_^))
14 years ago
((I love you too!))
14 years ago
"I do not want it in my stomach....I would probably throw it back up anyway." He said making a face. [<3333 ]
14 years ago
scowls. "You mean, like I do when I eat your snails?"
14 years ago
frowned. "There is nothing wrong with my snails! I do not even think you have tried them~"
Arthur says
14 years ago
"I have, and they were disgusting. I can't believe you eat that shit!" He'd never admit he actually likes them.
14 years ago
14 years ago
snorted. "I can assure you they are *so much better* then anything you have ever cooked, and will cook."
14 years ago
((I've never tried them, though I'm pretty open to new food.))
Arthur says
14 years ago
"How could those slimy, disgusting things be even the slightest bit delicious?"
14 years ago
blinks. "If they are prepared right they are quite delicious~"
Arthur says
14 years ago
"The only way to 'prepare them right' is to not prepare them at all."
14 years ago
'Well, you can eat them like that too, if you prefer~" He said smirking.
Arthur says
14 years ago
"And to not serve them as food, which they are not."
14 years ago
"What is that one thing you eat...Haggis is it? Now that should not be eaten."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Indeed; if you want to talk about lousy cooking, my brother has the worst cooking imaginable!"
14 years ago
"You eat it too don't you?"
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Only when I'm forced to." He doesn't want to think about it.
14 years ago
made a face. "And you say snails are bad?"
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Haggis being simply awful does not make snails good."
14 years ago
nods. "I think it does~ Well snails are good to begin that doesn't matter if Haggis is good or not.~"
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Snails are meant to crawl about in the dirt, not to be consumed as food."
14 years ago
"And sheep's stomach is supposed to stay in a sheep."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"That I agree with."
14 years ago
snorts. "I am glad we agree on something. I suppose."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Indeed; at least we do have something we can agree on: Scotland's cooking is absolute rubbish."
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