Arthur has
14 years ago
just finished "cooking" some scones. (They're burnt to a crisp.)
latest #106
14 years ago
*sniff a bit and frowns at the smell* "Is everything alright, England-san."
14 years ago
looks over and somehow sees NOTHING wrong. "No; everything's pretty much as it normally is."
14 years ago
*covers his face with his sleeve* "I do not believe there should be this much smoke."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Well, where there's smoke, there's fire, and where there's fire, there's heat, and heat is necessary to cook."
14 years ago
*nods but peers at the burnt scones and coughs a bit from the smoke*
Arthur says
14 years ago
"I think they're finished, though." He opens the oven to reveal scones that are completely black. "Scone?"
14 years ago
*shakes his head politely* "I believe I will pass." *coughs a bit more* "So have you been well, England-san?"
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Are you sure? ... Well, I suppose it's possible you're full up. Anyway, I'm doing quite well; how have you been?"
14 years ago
"Somewhat ill. I was at a of town this weekend and I do believe I came in contact with it."
14 years ago
*was still not to confident aboout sharing his otaku side with the nations so he wasn't about to say he was at a cinvention*
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Ah ... well, whatever happened, I hope you get well soon ... and do be careful when you go to such events."
14 years ago
Arthur is
14 years ago
already aware of Kiku's otaku side, as he has seen some of the less savoury things he has written.
14 years ago
*bowed polietly* "Arigato."
14 years ago
"I will focus on accomplishing on getting well."
Arthur says
14 years ago
smiles and bows, though not quite getting the bow correct. "You're welcome. I would suggest just resting for awhile. It can't really be
Arthur says
14 years ago
14 years ago
((not like Kiku will speak openly about his oatku side. Too shy))
Arthur says
14 years ago
((Yeah -- I'm guessing Arthur at least knows about the dirty things Kiku has drawn about him and things like Pokemon and Naruto, though.)
Arthur says
14 years ago
((Even if he does pronounce "Naruto" as "nuh-rude-oh."))
14 years ago
"Hai...I can still focus on it. I do not care to worry Mei-chan further."
14 years ago
Arthur says
14 years ago
"I suppose it's important to not worry her, though I'm sure she'll understand. I occasionally have those cartoon conventions, and I know
Arthur says
14 years ago
how ill people can become after meeting the cast of Nuh-rude-oh. Not that Nuh-rude-oh makes them ill or anything like that ..."
14 years ago
*looks a little surprised* "I was not aware your citzen's enjoyed Naruto."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Well, I know about that and Pokey-mon and, of course .... well, I can say it in front of you, I guess. Your porn."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"And that Yu-Gi-Oh show, though mostly because of the bloke who made the parody of it."
Arthur says
14 years ago
((Had to throw a Little Kuriboh reference in. ^o^ He is English, after all.))
14 years ago
*blushed a little at the porn reference feelinf sheepishly* "It is not intended to be used that matter, hentai. It is expression of
14 years ago
beauty by my citzens."
14 years ago
"Of intercourse I mean."
14 years ago
chuckles. "I'll be sure to use that next time Francis accuses me of being a pervert."
14 years ago
'What do you mean, England-san."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Well, he's always accusing me of being perverted, but now I have the perfect comeback."
14 years ago
"But is it the same instance?"
Arthur says
14 years ago
"I suppose; I'm a gentleman, after all."
14 years ago
*nods* "To be honest I am not sure if I understand why France-san refers to you as a hentai."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"To be honest, I don't, either. My theory is that it's mere projection."
14 years ago
'What may I ask is that theory."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"It means accusing someone else of having traits you yourself have in an effort to mask your own negative traits."
14 years ago
*nods* "You feel France-san, is hiding his own securities by accusing you of being hentai."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Precisely, assuming that word means 'pervert.'"
14 years ago
14 years ago
doesn't think they look all that great, to be honest.
14 years ago
"Good evening, Canada-san." *bows politely*
14 years ago
*then coughs lightly*
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Good evening, Alfred."
14 years ago
blinks at him and pouts. "...'m not Alfwed!"
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Aww, then who are you pretending to be? I'll gladly play along."
14 years ago
stares at him with a long pause. "Ca-na-da."
14 years ago
*turns to look at him full and realize that he was now chibi*
14 years ago
hugs Kumajirou and buries his face into the back of the bear's head.
14 years ago
*he kneels down next to him* "England-san he is chibi as I was."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"..... Who?" He then seems to get it. "Ohhh! I see. You're making a new nation, much like Sealand does! Ohhh, okay, I'll play along!"
14 years ago
*peers closer at him gently moving Kumajiro a bit*
14 years ago
"He does appear to be Canada-san."
Arthur says
14 years ago
14 years ago
" He has a confused look on his face.
14 years ago
"Um...I do believe America-san refers to him as how you say hat."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Ah. I rarely see America wearing a hat, but he does look quite nice in one."
14 years ago
"Um...I believe he means more as location wise."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Ah. ... I've never seen anyone sitting on top of America's head before, though."
14 years ago
*shrugs a bit* "I do not understand it fully either."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"I suppose that America merely wears such a hat in secret. He really shouldn't be so self-conscious, though."
14 years ago
((is matthew still here?))
14 years ago
[I thinkkkk she might of fell asleep. or shes brb-ing >> ]
Arthur says
14 years ago
((I'm not sure, either ...)
14 years ago
((we should probably let her respond))
Arthur says
14 years ago
14 years ago
[shes brb-ing dealing with something right now >> ]
Arthur says
14 years ago
((Ah -- ok))
14 years ago
((thats fine))
14 years ago
frowns. "I'm not Amewica!"
Arthur says
14 years ago
"That's cute. I hope that at least you're better behaved than Sealand is."
14 years ago
*studies him more* "Are you sure he is not the nation that held the Olympics this year. He does resemble him."
14 years ago
lip quivers.
Arthur says
14 years ago
, "Those weren't in America?"
14 years ago
continues, "I could've sworn I heard that damnable 'Party in the USA' song one too many times to make that mistake."
14 years ago
*grimaces* "That song is not very enjoyable I admit. I do believe that singer is trying to mimic my Vocaloids."
14 years ago
((aka it is synthized))
14 years ago
misinterprets what he just said. "I didn't think they were THAT bad, but I hope those heal soon. Perhaps you should rub something on it."
14 years ago
((Ah, yes, though the Vocaloids are much better singers.))
14 years ago
*looks up at Arthur very confused* "What do you mean, England-san."
Arthur says
14 years ago
, "Well, you said you had Vocaloids. If they're anything like they sound they are, they sound extremely painful, so perhaps some medication
14 years ago
or something like that will cure your Vocaloids."
14 years ago
14 years ago
((^o^ He has no clue what those are. He has Leon and Lola, but he has yet to make the connection between them and Miku and co.))
14 years ago
"No Vocaloid is not a ailment, it is type of musical style created by a synthizer type of program." *pulls out his ipod and i speakers*
14 years ago
*selects a Vocaloid song and plays it*
14 years ago
((I have friends who love it))
14 years ago
listens to it. "I suppose that's quite a lot nicer than what I thought -- though it does make a bit heavy use of Auto-Tune."
14 years ago
((I like it, too ^_^))
14 years ago
*nods then looks back at the lil nation in front of him* "What shall be done about this little one?"
Arthur says
14 years ago
"I suppose he's been separated from his parent or legal guardian. As long as it's not France, we should probably find him or her."
14 years ago
goes over and wraps his arms around Arthur's leg.
14 years ago
smiles. "I think he likes us, at least! Perhaps we could look after him for awhile."
14 years ago
"Hai...I do have experiemce. Mei-chan was this chibi when she came to live with me."
14 years ago
Arthur says
14 years ago
"Then I suppose it wouldn't hurt to look after him."
14 years ago
blinks up at them.
14 years ago
*Thinks for a moment and then pulls out some pocky* "Would you like some, little one?"
14 years ago
looks at it, reaching a small hand out to grab at it.
14 years ago
*smiles gently and hands him a stick*
14 years ago
((chibi matthew is so precious))
Arthur says
14 years ago
"It's all right; it tastes quite nice."
14 years ago
"Hai." *continuing to smile gently at the chibi nation*
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