1 months ago
I allowed myself to fall asleep early with the light on because sometimes that feels comfortable, and it accidentally illustrated to me how big of a deal the lightness of our environment is for regulating our circadian rhythm??
latest #6
1 months ago
Basically I woke up sweating, which only ever happens when I take naps under the covers- indicator that my body temp never dropped, like its supposed to when you go to sleep, even tho by the time I woke up hours later it was was late enough that it shouldve
1 months ago
that time being 11:30pm- ALTHOUGH ive been going to bed later than that for the past.. couple weeks? pretty consistently. so actually lowkey maybe not. but it did feel like waking up from a nap feels even though it was late enough that i totally couldve slept continuously
1 months ago
I only woke up because of sweating + my dream
1 months ago
the sweating was the instructive part, but the dream was interesting. the light fixture in my room lost its cover years ago so if you look right up where the light is on the ceiling, its kind of bright. the surface of the bulb quickly burns into your vision and all that. And at some point while sleeping I shifted such that my left eye was pointing at this
1 months ago
my eyes were shut obv but this showed up in my dream as, I felt like I had a huge mysterious blotch over my vision, roughly around the left-center, and that it was hard to see. And I'm dreaming so I have no real reasoning capability im just noticing and experiencing the light frustration over and over of not being able to properly see in my dream
1 months ago
so I was not quite at rest bc of the sweat and that, so either I woke up gradually through that or the unpleasantness of my dream eventually roused me
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