I am The Opposite Of That that's for fuckin sure
okay like I don't feel every nuance of their emotions
but any emotional pain or insecurity odds are very high that I will immediately burst into tears
and this is not a downside
I love crying about fictional characters it's my favorite hobby
and my favorite things to read are when they hit the emotional beats well enough to make me cry
my highest rated good omens fics I have notes on saying that they made my chest physically hurt to read
I tear up writing things all the time
I was definitely crying about ashura and roulette a lot
I am not crying about jing yuan and blade because jing yuan is just very irritated about blade being so stubborn lmao
handshake emoji to infinity... god ashura and roulette are perfect
I did briefly burst into tears because blade parsed jing yuan as meaning he wanted him to be something he can't be it's fine
mmm ashura and a reincarnated roulette would be so tasty
god yeah we did talk about that didn't we...
not a lot but it lives in my head rent free...
ashura gets to destroy him twice...
destruction paves the way for a new beginning... it's how it works...
woooo I made myself burst into tears again I'm so good at this. and I should go to bed I have stupid christmas eve work in the morning. it's either going to be dead or slammed with men frantic for sizes that have been sold out for a week
(men love to not shop for christmas gifts until the actual alst possible second)
(yes I am doing a sexist stereotype but it is one drawn from actual personal retail experience)
ok but. also. not about men. but about the thing you said up top. imagine NOT feeling the emotions of the character as you're writing??? what's the POINT if you don't put yourself in their shoes a little??????? smh
in this respect I am a men
I do not have any gift for my dad whose birthday is in 6 days
oince again i am fundamentally not understanding what chaya is even doing here. if you're not here for FEELINGS then what's the POINT
I have been barely RPing with her at all since I started doing PSLs with Ollie because Chaya’s normal teenagers having normal teenage angst are so much less interesting than whatever cannibalism and prostitution and shit Ollie and I have going on, and she keeps complaining that she’s bored lol
She wants to do more of the modern AU which I would have to reread to catch the thread of and also is about just completely mundane adult men getting married in Vegas and I am finding it very difficult to care
No one is enough of a freak
Also I’m just tired of trying to do her characters correctly
All my pluvi ships are also vastly more interesting than anything Chaya does but they weren’t producing quite this much volume
I gotta come off hiatus in magi soon I think...
(Bc it maxed out at a month)
Anyway I need to move Seville and get ready for work
i too would be ignoring someone who told me only to play their characters in their modern au setting and i'm not even deep into the freaky shit
I keep being like. Well. I could reread modern au. Or I could go reread something I care about more, whether that’s one of my threads with Ollie or just a regular fic
Blade tore Jing Yuan’s throat out with his teeth last night it was great <3
The two soulmates AU with Chaya is even worse bc it’s not just her interpretations of Evan and Reg, it’s also her OC Max

this btw is exactly what she said about the feelings thing
like she doesn't take the characterization into account at all?
I mean her characters are definitely distinct
but are they surface distinct or are they deep motivation distinct?
I have no idea how to classify that tbh
you probably don't want to read a couple hundred thousand words of 'reg is sorted into ravenclaw and befriends jewish halfbloods and the fics are all titled pretentiously from french and german ltierature' to make a judgment on the matter
basically it's like. do they want different things? have different deep seated anxieties? bc a lot of the time I've noticed that people who are not actively grinding the skill have different characterizations but it's more surface-level, first impression stuff
outer layers of the onion
I think they do yeah. like. reg has background of abuse and has overcoming that and he wants peace and he basically ignores the entire war and refuses to engage with it. max can't stand not being involved in the war and spies for the order and hies it from reg to avoid upsetting him.
isaac feels compelled to help people and tries to become a healer but it makes him a suicidal alcoholic and he ends up moving to israel to going to wizard rabbinical school instead and slowly works through his self worth issues and has a slut era and several threesomes