4 weeks ago
not sure where else to put the thought but me like. I'm sure the chaotic alliance is being released today tomorrow because christmas is just NOT as celebrated in japan (or at least celebrated differently), but oof. what a conflict.
latest #8
P. ianthina
4 weeks ago
yeah... I'm gonna unlock it, but the group run i signed up for is going on the 26th.
P. ianthina
4 weeks ago
pretty much because "in case people do celebrate, let's pick later"
lcukily it doesn't seem like there's any kind of world first race going on
but yeah it's this back to back because Genshin is releasing an update Jan 1 (well. Dec 31 in US timezones) because in China that's... just another workday, they do their new year's At A Different Time
4 weeks ago
it's kind of amusing watching christians having The Jewish Holiday Experience
4 weeks ago
in this specific, fundamentally unimportant regard
4 weeks ago
(not only jewish experience, obviously, but that's the one I am)
jingle bees
4 weeks ago
yeah i want to run it blind but. good luck getting in on that after day 1, I'm sure
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