This is definitely a texture thing, for me: I'll tolerate it, if I have no other choice, but I do not enjoy it.
(my brother and mom also agree with me on this one.)
I like it! My brain just goes "Mm, fruit" personally.
without feels like i'm drinking soda which isn't as healthy ahaha
no, I do not like it. I used to visit an aunt and uncle who had full pulp oj and the only way I drank it was figuring out how to filter the pulp with my lips
/nods/ Sounds about right.
no pulp for me, I don't like chunks in my drink
I'm curious now about what folks' thoughts are on thick and textured drinks like milkshakes or boba tea now and if there's much correlation wrt pulpy orange juice.
I don't like boba tea, but milkshakes are fine because my brain doesn't think of them in the same category as OJ, if that makes sense
like, they're a treat ice cream thing rather than a Drink (tm). Also while they're thicker, they're not as textured as OJ pulp
unless you have sprinkles or something but those aren't as disruptive to me
I don't like smoothies as often, but more because I'm picky about my fruits than any issue with the texture
/nods/ Same here; my family doesn't go for smoothies much.
Milkshakes are good (though my stomach complains if I go all-in on those, oof), but I tend to eat them more than just drink them.
(Wendy's Frosties with fries, how I love thee.)
Dairy Queen Blizzards are also Like That; I eat them instead of drink them, especially with the toppings; they're fun to eat with a spoon.
Other fruit drinks are like with OJ, though (cranberry juice, grape juice, grapefruit and so on); there's a big divide for me between eating the fruit itself and drinking the juice.
I also like oreo McFlurries as a nommy ice cream treat
I'm very much yes on pulp in orange juice. And it's also a texture thing. Orange juice without pulp has a very sugary mouth feel that I don't like.
I've never actually had pulp in orange juice because its never been in the cartons in any of my family or extended family's homes 🤔 so im not sure how id feel about it!
i should give it a try one day just to see how id feel
This topic merits Strong opinions, I can tell. XD
(I don't even drink that much orange juice at a time! The glass I tend to use is pretty small, and I never fill it all the way. Confuses my dad so much, but it does mean less sugar for me.)
Big nope for me, and it's definitely because of the texture