like. this is the opposite of what I want
I am also just really feeling like hot soggy garbage after finishing the ritalin test last week
just. ugh. if this is what happens as soon as I am not taking drugs then no thank you
I gotta talk to my psych about it I guess but the uptick in anxiety is not something I'm really comfortable dealing with right now
I got enough shit on my plate
omg I hope you get it worked out soon, that sounds awful
ough ugh I know what you mean. I can talk about what I do that helps, if you'd like.
officialbizness: that would be helpful! I wound up on the couch just to avoid the trigger
I hope you can get some good rest
does yoru fitbit think you're working out at 3am too
not so much since it was mostly like. sweaty palms and such and my heart rate didn't go too high
i did remember that i have some ativan from years ago so i popped one and we'll see if it helps out tonight
good luck
All righty, listing some ideas. I don't do all of these every time, and sometimes one will work better than the others. Most of what I use is CBT stuff.
- A mug of hot water. The heat and the clean taste and the warmth in my belly, it helps ground me.
- Repeating a mantra when the intrusive thoughts start to race. "At this time, in this place, and until morning, I am safe." I list the reasons why I'm safe, too.
- Nudity. My pajamas start to chafe for zero reason and my solution is WELL THEN NO PAJAMAS.
- YouTube in the background, preferably a Let's Play by a chill streamer. RTGames is my go-to, his videos are long and not full of screaming.
- Writing the intrusive thoughts down helps to make my brain feel heard and validated. When I type it all out, it's like the thought is pulled from me, and I can lay back down (until a new thought pops in).
- It feels like it should be bullshit, but listing something I can sense with all five senses does help as a calming measure. I've gotta work hard to ground myself, really experience what I'm feeling. This should take close to three minutes.
- "Resetting" breaths. They use this exercise in theater and YouTube should have a video of it.
my VO coach has been working with me on reset breathing, lol. I was definitely using that but it's good to have other tactics in the toolbox