galeshka: woah, so much for the selective pacifism eh? 😛 baiklah, silakan dicontohkan kalau begitu. sebaiknya jangan, tapi kalau mau ya terserah. jangan bikin repot gue tapi ya.
bekzilla: um, maybe don't shift the goalpost. do you condone the killing or not? I don't, but if you do, you do you. or maybe actually do that. I don't mind. 'righteous killing' is slippery slope, so 🤷
Kan lo bilang “jgn bikin repot gw”. So now I’m asking, bisa feign ignorance ga? Atau kalo emang the killing affects your line of work, can you reject the work assignment.
galeshka: I remember you used to, well, or some variant of that, might be wrong though 🤔 doesn't really bother me. you do you. maybe actually do that too. just saying 'probably shouldn't', but well, you can try, if you really want to.
bekzilla: ooh, itu maksudnya kalau temen gue bunuh orang, terus gue ditanya-tanya, kan gue juga yang repot. udah itu aja sih. ga ada filosofisnya amat kok itu
And for the record, I potentially benefit from the killing of this CEO’s death. My company uses this insurance right after his death, there’s already one fucked up policy that was reversed. The limitations of anesthesia (i.e. no more than an hour of anesthesia is covered by the insurance)
lately I've been wondering if I lean toward the understanding that targeted violence can be justified. I'm not making an ethical or moral claim, so I can't say if it's "righteous" to do so. I'm thinking more of an effectual claim. if it leads to the betterment of the most marginalized of society then I'd say it can be justified.
for me killing should not be supported dan pelakunya harus dihukum accordingly, sayang nya ceo ceo asuransi ini secara ga langsung melakukan "killing" secara legal, ga ada instrumen hukum yg mumpuni buat menghukum mereka juga secara legal, ya mau ga mau robin hood bertindak, jadi dihukum accordingly by robin hood nya gue setuju