The different things people say about ADHD is making me think I should ask my therapist about it. it's never occurred to me because I've always been a good student and I thought it had something to do with not being able to pay attention. I can pay attention but I pay attention to several things at once. otherwise I'm bored.
That's why I've never liked driving. if you could drive and read that would be one thing but just driving disgusting. and I don't like audiobooks. they make me sleepy which is not a good thing to do when you're driving
Audio books used to make me sleepy. When I started commuting 90 min to 2 hours a day, I decided to work on getting over that, so I could recoup my reading time. I did that by listening to audio books while cleaning house. Then I discovered some narrators that don’t put me to sleep and bought up their audio books. I happily listen to audio on my commute now.
a friend here suggested i might be on the spectrum or have ADHD. i've never been diagnosed as it is quite expensive here. but i used to be a mental health practitioner so, i at least know i have depression. for other things/neurodivergence, i am not sure. but those who do have such conditions should not feel bad about themselves, we r just wired differently.