Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate and happy Thursday to those who don’t! We’ll be headed to my in-laws in the afternoon...so hopefully it’s a good time, lol. I planned on trying to sneak some in before we left, but it was a sleeping-late kind of morning to make up for the early wake up yesterday I guess. So we’ll see!
notanybunny thank you lmao the youngest’s nap time clashes with when we need to leave by, so it’ll be an adventure of: will he be too excited to care or will he be a terror? 🤣
notanybunnyexpectedtheworld lmfao, thank you! He’s the shy one out of them, in that he stares at people like a lil toddler version of Bucky Barnes before he will actually get close to them so there might be some trying to get him to warm up to people hahaha
thewrittenfae here’s hoping! We seem to be getting lucky with no rain and it’s just cold and cloudy, so maybe the kids will be ran around to expend their energy while we’re there