someone went through liking some of the old posts talking about the experience and just had to sit for a moment recalling all of that nonsense
I knew Bogleech bugged me for a reason beyond terrible monster reviews
....oh wait did I not talk about that on plurk, I could have sworn I did alkdjflaskjdfas
ok hold on let me get up and get breakfast for this lakdsjfdsad
I THINK UOU DID because I remember this story but its worth revisiting
You did talk about it here. Very weird behaviour, and weirder still considering WHY
okay so it *originally started on twitter, and i can't remember the exact conversation of that - but basically, I think the Rough Bits of it were that a trans person was trying talk to bogleech there about, like.... various things? Censorship in media, science on sex fantasies - the usual
The person was being very calm, very logical, giving sources. But bogleech took offense to that, and took it to tumblr, where he tried to make a bullshit poll and basically called that individual a pedophile
(if i've fucked up on the exact details, it's been ages, and I don't want to go back to look at it)
this would all be bullshit, except he posted their username and shit, so OF COURSE the person got a fuckton of harassment
I enter the fray and argue, as is my wont
Specifically, I'm calling him out on not only his unscientific bullshit, but also basically doing some Republican-ass bullshittery by pedojacketing a queer person
and thus being a shit queer ally, although he quickly reveals himself to be a shit human being in general
And after that, I believe he tries to actually keep the conversation going in, like.... DMs for some reason? And I of course go "this is kinda weird and creepy, no thank you, we're keeping this talk in a public forum"
but I realize that the talk is going nowhere, so I eventually just say 'ok fuck off' and leave. I disengage from talking with him.
.....Bogleech, however, does not disengage. He refuses to disengage.
So he keeps leaping into WHOLLY SEPARATE POSTS. to keep trying to interact with me on this.
some of them I have tagged with his name... but that's because I was tagging it so that people could block the wankery if they so wanted
which him and some of his followers claimed was me trying to get his attention and ping him but no?? I would @ him if I wanted to ping him? that's a bullshit line of logic?
(this also won't hold up later)
But when it's clear that I am now just outright Deleting his 'Replies' on those posts and still refusing to engage?
he goes to find out where i am at on twitter
which is a lil bit of work! because not only do I not have tumblr/twitter linked to each other, but the usernames are also different!
and he starts to be weird at me about the initial conversation.... IN WHOLLY DIFFERENT DISCUSSIONS I'M HAVING WITH OTHER PEOPLE
so I block him on twitter
and on tumblr, make a simple post
"wow, you guys won't believe who followed me to twitter to keep starting shit"
i don't tag his name. i do not MENTION his name in any capacity.
it is very nearly untagged, tbh, besides my general text tag i use
..............bogleech responds to it fairly quickly
despite me not tagging him. or mentioning him by name.
i've probably glossed over some things or missed details, but this is the long and short of it. if it had just been the initial argument, I'd probably always think of him as a transphobic asshole tbh?
but the constant following my every move for the vaguest WHISPER of himself?
bogleech is a fuckin creep
so went back to glance at my last tagged post about him, and it wasn't even from my encounter with him. it was someone else calling him out for mocking a disabled CSA survivor
(they had ME/CFS, and he mockingly called it "not working on cartoons" disease)
also remember his more recent comment on the above topic which was. Bad! and i am going to quote..... idr who but someone else when i say
calling someone who draws fictional underage content "just as bad" as someone actually caught with actual literal csem is like calling someone who likes slasher films "just as bad" as a serial killer
it's a fuckin nothing argument
--ok i remember where i read that actually it was, wildly, a youtube comment
what a useless sack of dogshit
getting to revisit a lot of weird wild bullshit this morning
Yeah I used to really enjoy his content, but then he went full fandomentalist and did this shit to James and now I'm like
this man is my age he has no place in puriteen land
Can I also say that all of his Digimon reviews fucking SUCK?
Guy does no research at all. They said this Digimon was based on SENTAI HEROINES
looks more magical girl at a glance
...........................that's a sailor moon?????
sailor moon with fisticuffs
It’s specifically Precure actually but that’s what Precure basically is, James, lol
fair enough, i trust your precure knowledge over all others lmao
But in general he’d knock Digimon heavily for being dragon men in armor, knights, or “furry bait” like Renamon. You know, 90 % of the ones fans love. Also refusing to engage with them on an inspirational level or look into their conceptual origins or what they may be inspired by
He reviewed Tamers Digimon before ever even seeing Tamers and generally looked down on Digimon that weren’t gross inhuman blobs of snot
And don’t get me wrong. I like me some gross inhuman blobs of snot.
But it was fucking monotonous to read every review like that and seeing people praise him for his “insights”
Like obviously the stalking and suibait shit is worse but
that is a frankly weird complaint to have on digimon designs
they're sentient creatures my guy, what's wrong with some looking humanoid
It's so weird to think bogleech and I (me! of all people!) were once "chat often in DMs/replies" level friendly. He promoted my rent/surgery GFM back when I lived in Georgia.
like, I will poke fun at Gatomon and Patamon's evolution chains, but they are also very cool digimon
the world is a wild place, huh, raile
see, Cookie, the best I can figure is that it's "unoriginal" and takes the "monster" out of "digital monster"
and I'm just "just admit it doesn't suit your individual tastes" and move on my guy
Right but THAT (the digimon criticism) was basically his brand. That's what he was about.
Wasn't this the same guy who drew rape demons from Romani folklore.
so, didn't hear that one,
Railerat: it was a terrible brand, then. A good reviewer is able to look past his own nose, imho. Like, when I reviewed Digimon briefly, I reviewed Ofanimon poorly, but that's because I found her too similar to Seraphimon
I distantly recall him drawing vore art, and then being adamant or something that vore isn't sexual at all? but that's a different thing, i think
Yeah he illustrated all the demons from the legend of Queen Ana.
Which tldr are all the demons she gave birth to after repeated rapes.
So. You know. Rules for thee but not for me and it's DIFFERENT when he does it.
Tyranno: Nah I mean. He never claimed to be impartial. Think of it like having a gimmick. I get what you're saying but he was never approaching these franchise reviews as anything but "how well do they fit my tastes." He does the same with Yu Gi Oh cards
I guess. But the poor research and saying stuff like "this is a sentai digimon!" about a magical girl is still...what
what i'm learning in this plurk is that bogleech is just a lazy bastard in all forms of research, from the important to the dumb
Yeah no I'm not saying he was doing a great, educated job of it, but his shtick was consistent and not meant to be taken as serious critique.
However. Well.
Which is weird because some of his nature articles ARE fairly well researched

me learning all this for the first time
I just tend to resent it I guess because everyone started to treat his reviews as objective fact and parroting them and lamenting digimon that were "too humanoid" and "just humans and dragons and knights in armor" and "hot babes in masks" and other lazy criticism of shit
Parasociality is one hell of a drug
DrFishbone: Yeah you can tell when something taps into his actual special interests
yeah like.... I was only ever like, secondhand aware of bogleech bc I'd see him around my sister used to follow him etc but I knew enough to be like
sorry THIS is the hill you're dying on
I used to follow him and thought some of what he said was interesting but man he's got such an inability to let go or understand that maybe other people see things differently, and that just got more and more evident.
he had this titanic hateboner for frozen for reasons I was never able to grasp
also he got so self-righteous about the idea that as an autistic person he has a strong sense of justice and wow, what do you mean other people don't! what's wrong with them! so I assume he's just fully on the "I must be right!" juice
years ago I said something mildly critical in a comment to one of his pokemon reviews and he vagued about it on his tumblr, blowing it up into poor me, attacked by some unreasonable asshole! and then I commented to that post and he deleted and sent me a bunch of DMs.
yeah that sounds like his MO
sounds like the dude needs to learn how to let it go
I think he said somewhere that he finds rejection and the idea that someone doesn't understand or agree with him (he thought if he explained it enough anyone would think he's right about anything) like. physically painful.
so, you know.
gotta take that out on everybody
flashbacks to rp wank i had to experience earlier this year with two people similar to that who were Fucking Awful to deal with
gotta love "my neurospicy means I'm always right and you're attacking me if you don't agree"
what was the rp wank, the usual grudgewank or something new?
something new, didn't talk about it on plurk at the time. raile knows what it is, and that's probably how it's gonna be for a minute longer lmf
but definitely feeling the similar thing of
the idea that someone doesn't understand or agree with him (he thought if he explained it enough anyone would think he's right about anything)
ah yes. That delightful 'tism-ism that EVERYONE** loves!!
**no one loves it. you can explain yourself fully and completely but other people may still disagree. That is not a failure on your part, Jonathan, it's Life
you gotta be able to walk away! have a little huff in private and move on!
and now that I'm remembering things he has a really disturbing vitriol towards people who love royal family gossip bc he doesn't get it and they must be morons? and why do you care that much? I don't get it either but it doesn't keep me up at night know, you're not wrong.
The same "I have hit a wall and the wall is still going"
I remember I bashed him as well at the time of all this happening, because James is 90% of my Tumblr feed so I saw a lot of it, and for some reason he largely ignored me even though he stalked James all over the place
I didn't want stalking or harassment, but I was certainly expecting it under the circumstances
But also I am fully prepared to tell anyone at any time when they're behaving like an utter cocksock
.............yeah, it is kinda wild how i ended up being the hyperfocus there, somehow that didn't click