1 months ago
I am not a prude but...
latest #15
1 months ago
...I think it's extremely disrespectful to make strangers or the online public part of your kink. If you need support or help with SL, I and others are super happy to offer it. But talking in RP while doing so (calling yourself "This one" or babytalk) is gross. You're making me complicit in your fetish. You make me want a shower.
Yosser Hughes
1 months ago
I think that part of their kink is the exhibitionism
1 months ago
Likely. I still didn't consent to it. (nottalking)
Yosser Hughes
1 months ago
It's kinda the same as people being naked in gym changing rooms, can you? Yes. Should you? Not really, it's unnecessary
1 months ago
whenever people have done that to me in SL I just flat out say "I don't consent to being part of your RP/kink/whatever, please speak to me normally if you'd like me to help you"
1 months ago
cos fuck that, super gross
1 months ago
PutridGloom: wait, what's wrong with being naked in a gym changing room? that's what it's for...
1 months ago
It's like being naked in the gym changing room while standing on the bench pointing at your junk. You can change and shower as a necessary human function, non-sexually, and I won't judge! You get up and shimmy the girls (or helicopter or whatever) in the gym and I'll a) want to call security and b) wonder why I'm in a gym, ugh
Yosser Hughes
1 months ago
omgwtfbarb: I don't mind it when like its for a few minutes as you get changed, but in my experience there are some people who bask in the fact that they can be naked there and its no longer about practicality and it's very much about exhibitionism and power play. Like there is just no need to dry your hair with a hairdryer naked, put a fucking towel on
1 months ago
You're not a prude and anyone who actually knows anything about BDSM knows that there must be consent to partake in a scene. And regardless of that, hello, there's a time and a place.
1 months ago
I've had that happen to me so many times in SL, and it's not cool and it's not ok. It's not kink shaming or prudish to state that you aren't ok with it. It's esp hard for when you are doing business. It's one of the things I loathed about SL during my time, like I want to be friendly and talk to people - and for business stuff provide excellent customer
1 months ago
service - but too many people took my friendliness and my naive nature to try to involve and tell me about their sexual kinks.
Little Sunshine
1 months ago
Thank you. When I was unhappy about my neighbors walking around naked with the windows open and bending over in front of the windows, where I can clearly see their asshole and all their bits... everyone acted like I was a prude. No... your involving me in your kink bullshit, I dont want to see your brown eye or your tits when I look outside.
1 months ago
it has never really bothered me when doing customer service...I only have ever had issues with when using RLV they are unable to communicate with me properly, IMs locked etc, but I also have never had issue with contacting their person that holds the keys etc and explained that while I do have to interact to help them would they mind adding me to the list.
1 months ago
I'm not a prude either, and I wouldn't want to be a part of someone's roleplaying of that nature without consenting to it first either. It makes me wonder how these people act in RL, or if they just have no concept of polite society.
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