2 months ago
I love how sometimes I make five art pieces in aday.

https://images.plurk.com/3ZUZ1fYTx5S7gNq3r78vH9.jpg https://images.plurk.com/1x4HlmlH11uxeB6BtcFO1A.jpg https://images.plurk.com/5xSEJwS3DMCh5EPjCL91pm.jpg https://images.plurk.com/R234FaOR8FxC4AQX9UvXj.jpg https://images.plurk.com/5q2YMSdFBWOoQGVV8GC4cW.jpg

Then go through the obligatory rest period where I just dont anything for two days then jumo back on thw wagon.
2 months ago
Sometimes it's good to just take a rest period tbhh
2 months ago
It kills me inside when I do though to the point I become so frustrated and annoyed with my own self that i am unale to function.
2 months ago
ouh :-( well it's sad that you feel that way because it's perfectly normal, besides if you never took a break it could get to just be tedious and you could end up losing some intrest. I know that happens to me sometimes