sef_lopod has
1 weeks ago
had a long and belated phone call with TalkTalk about how their new routers absolutely refuse to talk to my old computer.
sef_lopod asks
1 weeks ago
them whether they have any of the older style of routers left in stock for when the one I'm using finally gives up (now that its indicator light no longer works) - which prompted the case manager to suggest sending me one out straight away to find out whether it works any better (while I figure out how to return the 2 new routers which aren't helping).
sef_lopod has
1 weeks ago
unfortunately lost all the daylight for wrapping up the outside tap against the danger of a frosty night/morning (because the TT bod was so late in even starting his phone call).
Snailquake hopes
1 weeks ago
you get no frost tonight. We've only just started getting a bit of frost, and we're Oop North. (goodluck)