Why are you still talking to my mom’s rapist
Why did you tell him you were coming to see my mom
And pass on a message from him that he wanted to catch up about old times
that woman is going to burn when she dies.
This fucker raped my mom, both my aunts and a host of other women and never got in trouble for it
He just left his fourth marriage. This happened when my mom was 16 and she’s now 70 and her face STILL FUCKING DROPPED
oh my GOD. is she literally staying with your mom and if she is is there any way you could kick her out
“I love drama I wanted to see what he thought about what he did and he thinks you wanted it” “I was passed out and I remember saying no” “well he says you didn’t so he thinks you wanted it”
Exiting out cause that is a lot but as a survivor, fuck her, fuck him and I am so sorry.
Mom is screaming at my aunt that yes aunt Dottie you were raped too because even though you had sex with him once didn’t mean that you wanted to have sex with him again later on
someone please lock this woman in a small box
I’m furious that this asshole is still around and thinks my mom wants anything to do with him
She is begging my aunt not to give him her address.
what the everloving almighty FUCK
is dottie also talking about giving him your mom's email address or phone number
Anyway we are hashing a looot tonight apparently
We got her off the topic and are now bitching about our least favorite person, my dead step grandma
Ooops now we are talking about times the husbands cheated and illegitimate kids
What the fuck, what the fuck? It may be restraining order time????
Has anyone told her that living drama isn’t an excuse to hurt people
Yeah mom is drunk and laughing so I don’t think she’s going to remember any of it. Which is good.
so glad Kid is nowhere near
Yeah I had a horrible feeling this was gonna be bad
Got em out, and Sergio besides
We are now in the racial slurs part of the night wish me luck
Okay we're out. Mom is asleep and so is my aunt.
I'm so sorry, what the fuck. Good luck today
Thanks all. Five more hours and counting before she goes home again
holy fucking shit, why was your aunt giving this man your mom's contact info even a POSSIBILITY
thanks. o\ and my aunt is just legitimately awful who loves throwing gas on a fire to see what happens
Mom still asleep, Frannie in the other room peeing on my aunt
Please tell me that's literally what the cat is doing
punnyinpink: yes she literally pees on people. You can’t sleep on the couch with a blanket because she does that
frannie has some serious mental issues. but not nearly as bad as your aunt
Your aunt needs to be left in the wilderness alone somewhere with no supplies.
My aunt is now faking being a veteran for a free pancake breakfast
... that’s fucking stolen valor WTF
I would not begrudge anyone who genuinely needed food and couldn't afford it if they lied in this situation. but that's not what's happening here
It IS. She’s talking about staying longer and mom had a fucking conniption
And she has more money than she knows what to do with. Mom got $70 just for telling her to shut the fuck up. I got my grandma’s ring for bringing Frankie out to visit
Meanwhile my aunt almost got us arrested. She was drinking in the car (illegal), then started throwing the bottles out the window while I was driving her to the airport (VERY illegal and dangerous)
We went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast and she threw a fucking fit
excuse me, "us"? lmao I would have thrown her under the bus so hard
"yes hello officer, please save me from my rowdy and inconsiderate passenger"
Jesus christ wtf this woman
She poured sugar all over the table like a child and when my mom said to stop, she started cursing at her and stacking plates as high as they’d go. I started unstacking them, telling her gently how it sucked when I worked as a dishwasher and then she started getting violently sarcastic
“Nobody can tell me shit, Allison, I don’t like it!”
This is the type of person who really needs to be in in-patient care.
glad you got rid of her without anyone ending up in jail